Significant 25| Riot

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Chapter 25: Riot

Andrei's PoV

"Aww..." my stomach's hurting...

Poor tummy.

I have to refill and that means, mint chocolates! Leaving the tv open, I peak in the bathroom and saw Dammy's bulging muscles with dripping water.

His back was facing me and those cute dimples on the top of his bum made me snicker. But his sinfully tanned skin glistened everytime he would move, it made me blush.

Turning away from the door, I head down to the staircase and ran to the kitchen. I opened the fridge and my eyes sparkled at the sight of my mint chocos.

Grabbing a one gallon of mint choco ice cream, I head to the countertop to sit on it but immediately winced when an uncomfortable feeling flashed in my system.

But immediately went off.

Shrugging, I hop on the countertop and quickly devoured my ice cream.

"Loui? Favi? Do you want some ice cream?" I reached out while scooping.

"No, just devour it all. I'm not hungry at all." Favi answered with his mean tone, I shrugged.

But what made me stopped was Loui's whimper.

"Loui, are you okay?" I grew concerned, especially when he answered with shaky breath.

"Go back to our mate... I—It's dangerous..." he whispered the last sentence making me slightly afraid.

Is he... dying?

"No, he's not dying. He's just in heat." heat? He's hot?

"Heat?" I furrowed my brows and immediately goes to the refrigerator, opening it and the freezer.

I tried my best to fit my body inside the large freezer, in hopes of Loui would feel better.

"For the sake of your pheromones, he's in heat! Not a fever! You need to do the fuc—"

"Don't listen to him! Just go back upstairs, please." Loui countered and I grew more concerned.

Before running back upstairs, I grabbed my ice cream and took a spoonful of it. Biting the spoon while running to the stairs, I was halted when a group of bulky men blocked my way.

"H—Hi?" I shyly greeted and waved but flinched when I heard them growl.


"I am dying for a taste."

"You do know you're not to wonder around with your sweet pheromones coming out of you, right?" One of them ask in a mocking tone making me back away, afraid to be crushed by them.

"You just did a very beautiful mistake." the other one growled and pounced at me making me run outside for help.

I turned in every corner, wishing I would lose them with this tactic but I'm wrong. I can hear their paws hitting the grown, following me.

I started to sob until my thick tears instantly glide down to my chin. I keep on running while screaming for help, but grew more afraid when I just noticed how some of the pack, mostly men, would join the chase. Turning aggressive with their growls.

"You sick maniacs. Stop chasing our Alpha's mate! He's the Luna!" screamed by the female members and tried to stop them.

A few of them got held down but still, the remaining were chasing me.

I turned to the corner and fall on the ground when I came faced to face with Demillio's confused face.

It took him a second until he realized a thing, "You're in heat." he backed away and pinched his nose making my lip quiver in fear.

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