Significant 38| The Funeral

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Chapter 38: The Funeral

Damien's PoV

My fist gripped his shoulders firmly, pinning him on the mattress. He keeps on screaming while trying to hit me but I don't care.

As long as he'll calm down.

"No! Please! Stop!"

"Sunshine, you're okay! No one's here to hurt you!"

"No! I need you to stop!" his fist flew up on my sides and I immediately hugged him.

Making sure to snuggle my face on his neck to keep me away from my insanity.

"Sunshine, please... listen to me. You're okay." my hug tightened when he stopped wailing and just stared at the ceiling.

He didn't move an inch, nor did he said anything. Just lay there helplessly and stared at nothing.

"Do you need some water?" it took him half a minute to respond with his mumbling voice.

"My stomach... hurts." he stated before slightly pushing my body away from him.

Not minding the pain in my chest, I stared at him turning on the other side. His back was facing me.

"Do you like to eat something?"


It was only 3:30 in the morning and I woke up with my mate screaming.

Sighing, I got up and changed my shorts into pants. I also put a plain grey v—neck shirt and go to the bathroom, but before I do so, I made sure my mate is already sleeping.

"Alpha, the funeral is already set up. We just need your approval." Kendrick said in the mind link making me grit my teeth while staring at my reflection on the mirror.

"I'm on my way." after brushing my teeth, I got out from the bathroom and came to a halt when I saw my mate sitting on my side of the bed.

His feet were hanging down and his head was down while fiddling with his fingers.

"C—Can I come with you?" I stopped myself from hugging him when he said those words.

He just made the first move to talk, right?

"Sure, sunshine." I held my hand out for him and he did took it.

He was about to stand up when his wobbly legs prevented him from doing so. Worried, I didn't hesitate to carry him.

He didn't complain though, he just cling on my neck while I place my hand under his bum. Making sure that I'm not triggering some trauma on him.

"Dammy..." my wolf leaps in joy when we get to hear our name being called by our mate.

"Yes, sunshine?"

I tensed when I heard him sob.

"C—Can I have pasta...?"

"Pasta— oh, uh, hm! Sure, sunshine. I'll cook it for you." we were walking down the hall when he added something.

"Pasta with eggplant." weirded out by his request, I halt and gave him a side eye.

That's a weird combination.

"Sure, mate." I respond and felt his arms tightened around my neck in response.

We finally reached the open yard and saw from a distance the two coffins, white and black, that were under a man—made huge tent.

I looked down and expected him to get emotional but what I saw made me blink.

Did he just smile?

"It's okay if you don't want to see them yet, sunshine. You still need to heal."

"I'm..." he looked up at me and smiled warmly before snuggling on my neck.

"I'm okay, Dammy. I want to say goodbye to mama and him."

Sighing, I fixed my hold on him and strode towards the remains of her mother.

"Hi, mama..." I heard him talk and slightly wiggled out of my hold.

I set him down and stood behind him. Making sure to be there if ever he became emotional.

"Thank you for being with me, even in your last breath. You fought bad guys and I will never be more proud of you." he caressed the glass where he could see his mother in deep sleep.

"Thank you for visiting me, earlier. By that, I at least woke up from the nightmare I surely won't happen, again." he gave me a glance and I smiled, holding his waist protectively.

"I love you always, mahal kita palagi, mama. You're always my number one fan, my playmate, and my very best friend. And you will always be my number one mother in this world. I just hope, the Goddess will not be angry for this." he giggled softly and I savored every bits of it.

He kissed the glass that's separates him and his mother before proceeding on the next black coffin.

"Hey, Vrix." he took a deep breath before caressing the glass.

"How are you doing there, buddy? You just told me earlier that you were happy up there, right? You even told me the Moon Goddess is really beautiful but will be never compared to me." he giggled.

"Thank you for watching me, even in your last breath. I'm sorry if I didn't... get a revenge on him. But I know, what he's suffering right now is a revenge we all needed." his voice became a whisper at the end and I just noticed a tear dropped on the glass.

"He will never mess with my life, again. And if he do, I won't let him." he said firmly before hugging the coffin.

"Thank you, Vrix. Saranghae." he kissed his two fingers before placing it on the glass for a couple of seconds before turning back to me.



"Can I have pickles dipped in a strawberry jam?"

I blinked in his sudden request.

"Okay... Do I still need to cook a pasta with eggplant?"

"No. I've changed my mind. Pickles with strawberry jam sounds good." he giggled before making a grabby hands.

I carry him though and go back to the pack manor.

And while I watched him dip the pickle in a strawberry jam, one question formed in my head.

The nausea.

The hurting of his stomach.

The mood swings.

The weird food combinations.

"Is he pregnant?" I turned to look at my back and saw Nathan with his mate, Joshua.

"He seems like it." Joshua added with his firm voice.

Is my mate pregnant? Is that even possible?

His Significant Other
by dead_paradoxcs
Plagiarism is a no-no word.

Thank you for reading!

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