Significant 17| Fangs and Eyes

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The song that'll be sang later⬆️ (It's a Filipino song and I hope you'll love the song the way I loved it with all my heart.)

Reminder: The italicized font words were being said in Korean or Filipino language:)

Chapter 17: Fangs and Eyes

Andrei's PoV


"Come to the woods."

"I'm waiting for you..."

"I'm here, don't you miss me?"

I bit my lip and quickly tiptoed towards Damien's office, trying not to make any noise.

I scanned the room and pout when I didn't saw mama. After the day I saw some pairs of red eyed rogues and mama, I started to hear her sweet voice calling for me.

For some reason, I don't want to go to the woods because that's what Damien said. Not to go beyond the woods.

Going in further, I tiptoed towards the other door in his office to check if she's there but I heard Joshua and Danielle calling my name from the living room.

I nervously got out from the office and huffed while going back to the kitchen. I don't know if you would call it weird, but these days my hearing seems to have so much development. It seems I'm having a sharp hearing because I can clearly hear anyone who would talk in a very long distance, I can even hear their whispers.

I think I'm having a superhero ability but maybe I should improve it more so that I can really prove it to Damien and Joshua. Hehe, what costume should I wear?

I wonder if I should copy superman and batman whose underwear are placed outside their costume. But eww, I don't like to wear my underwear like that. It's so very weird.

I tried not to show them my pouty face and slumped shoulders when I get back to the living room where I heard them calling me.

They snapped their heads at my direction. Danielle was smiling but Joshua raised his brow while putting his both hand on his hips.

"Where did you go? Don't tell me you wondered around the house looking for Aunt Ellah, again." Joshua kept his diva pose and raised brow that made me bite my lip and shake my head.

He also has this worried glance but he's hiding it. I don't know why would he hide that. What's he even worried for?

"No... I just checked on... something? Hehe hehe." I answered and skipped towards their direction and hooking both of my arms on theirs.

"You want to eat? Or later if you finished practicing?" Danielle asked and I looked at the ceiling, deciding whether to eat now or just later.

Hmm, there will be no mint choco anyways so I'll just eat later.

I was still looking up the ceiling when I heard him add something that made my mouth water.

"I saw Leonel earlier holding a large box of mint choco sweets and mint choco ice cream. Hmm, I think I saw him carrying it to the kitchen. Well, it's up to you if-"

"I want to eat now!" I cut him off and dragged them to the kitchen where my eyes twinkle seeing the refrigerator being full of different kind of mint choco sweets.

Leaving them, I hurriedly run to it and giggled when I also saw Cony and his little brother, Corry, hanging their mouth wide open while eyeing the heaven too.

"Adri, look! Our farovate!" Corry screams and tugged my pants.

Cony snapped out of his fantacizing and looked down at his little brother.

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