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         "They won't take long in getting here, I'm sure of it

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         "They won't take long in getting here, I'm sure of it." Starscream grumbled at his colleague, the human dangling in his digits once again. "If this human doesn't wake up soon, I'll wake it up by tearing the device from its very wrist!"

         "Why not just take it off yourself?" Barricade questioned; arms crossed in irritation.

         "The fragging thing is too small for my digits. Here, you do it."

     Barricade stepped back as the human was tossed toward him, but Marissa had been awake for a while, flipping in the air so she could tuck and roll once she hit the ground. Both Cybertronians stared as she groaned, wiping the dirt from her shoulders. She looked up at the behemoths with a sour expression. 

         "So, 'asking nicely' is abducting me?"

         "Shut it, fleshy." Starscream snarled, taking a menacing step towards her. "Consider it a mercy!"

         "Mercy? You're threatening to tear my arm off for this bracelet, pinched my hand to the point of bruising it- look at this, it's purple!"

         'So noisy.' Barricade rolled his four optics, the increasing light making them shine a gold color.

         :I'd rather not play good cop again.: He informed the air commander icily. Starscream merely smirked at him, so the police car rolled his optics again before addressing the fuming organic.

         "Marissa, right?" He asked, not because he wanted to know if he was right, but because he wanted the human to think he was trying to be considerate. She only crossed her arms and stared up at him. "Think of it this way: if your sister had been insistent that she wanted to see a terrorist that was right behind her, yet she refused to turn around or run from them, wouldn't you have pulled her out of harm's way?"

         "How did you know about my sister?" She stepped back, a strange reaction that Barricade hadn't exactly considered.

         "I'm almost hurt you don't recognize me." He chuckled behind his lying smirk. "The point is that you would have saved her from a threat, yes?"

     Marissa nodded, her folded arms relaxing from their stiff position. She was unsure of what these two beings' intentions really were. The one shaped like an upside-down triangle certainly didn't care what she thought of him, and the one with four eyes seemed uncomfortable with his speech. Barricade and Starscream looked like they knew each other quite well regardless as they had some unsaid conversation. It irked the young woman as she shuffled on her feet.

         "Then what about my family we just left behind?" She decided to voice her concerns.

         "Chances are they've been questioned by another human and determined useless to pry information out of." Starscream answered nonchalantly, shrugging in the process. "Which means those filthy Autobots are heading straight for us."

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