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     Marissa woke up with a yawn, noting first of how dark it was outside

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     Marissa woke up with a yawn, noting first of how dark it was outside. Or perhaps they had closed the hangar door. She could have sworn there was a skylight in the hangar, however. Giving a lazy shrug to herself, combing her ratted hair with her fingers (she had let it out of her ponytail for comfort) and adjusting the flannel on her slumped shoulders the woman got up to peer through the small, square window in the door. She could see a few lights blinking on and off, but that was it.

         'Must be nighttime.' She shrugged again. 

     A sudden loud snore confirmed her theory, making Marissa smile, knowing it was her dad. She was glad to have taken the cot closest to the door, noticing an uncomfortable looking Miles on the floor between Lennox and Mr. Faireborn. He too snored, though not nearly as loud as her father. Sam was snuggled next to Mikaela, after deciding his cot was too lonely. The sight made the observing woman frown, thinking the younger man was a little selfish in that he didn't offer his cot to Miles. So, hoping the sandy haired boy wasn't a light sleeper, Marissa carefully lifted him up onto the cot that was once Sam's. Thankfully he was not a light sleeper, and much lighter than he looked, though still heavier than a 50-pound bag of goat feed.

     Taking a deep breath, the sweating woman looked around to determine whether or not she woke anyone up. Apparently, Lennox was harder of a sleeper than his military background suggested, and Shane hadn't gotten a good enough rest to wake up from the shuffling. Marissa guessed Sam and Mikaela were still just tired teens with a loathing for waking up at any time. She couldn't keep the warm feeling in her heart from swelling at the sight of their comfortable expressions and relaxed atmosphere. It made her feel guilty, knowing they all had lost sleep and were stressed because of her alone.

     The sudden glow of red caught Marissa's eyes. Blinking for a moment, she tried to determine the source until finally turning around and catching the bright optic of a Decepticon. Squinting, the woman attempted to determine which of her captors it was. The name 'Barricade' appeared in her mind, and she looked down at the bracelet still on her wrist.

         'So that's what you sound like.'

     Smiling, Marissa opened the door silently, greeting the four-opticed mech with her cheerful aura. 

     It sickened him.

         "Why are you up this early?" He questioned.

         "I could ask you the same thing." Was the quipped reply. "Won't the Autobots find that suspicious?"

         "They do, trust me. Every single one of them is already up and ready to pounce the minute I blink."

     The human's giggle only made his audio prickle. Why did he make her laugh? 

         Why did he even feel prompted to inspect the movement in the little room?

Her little burst of mirth didn't last long though, wanting to be at least quiet enough to be respectful. She had no idea how early or late it was anyway. A little pop, like echoing water, announced '2:44' in her head, making her look at the bracelet again. Four optics followed the movement closely as Barricade examined her, still on a single knee from looking in the small window. 

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