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         "You're not really going to follow his orders, are you?" Starscream questioned pointedly

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         "You're not really going to follow his orders, are you?" Starscream questioned pointedly. Marissa had been ordered to ride with Optimus Prime, for the safety of Vector Sigma. She didn't argue as she had before when paired with Blurr.

         "Well, there's no harm in it. Vector said he was okay with it since I'm not riding with my dad." She shrugged, shuffling through her duct-tape wallet to determine how much funding she had left to buy new clothes before they left for whatever base the Allspark was hidden in. "What's it to you? I thought you'd be thankful I wasn't stinking up your cockpit."

     The titan shuffled a pede as he grumbled, searching for an answer to her question. 

         "I couldn't care either way." He spat. "You're a strange breed, having been nearly Decepticon-like in your defiance toward your human government."

     Starscream's comment made the woman pause after returning her wallet in her back pocket. She guessed her actions could have been considered Decepticon-like, as the mech put it. However, she wasn't acting out of selfishness or hate, not even spite. Galloway was going to hide Vector Sigma away, keeping the Autobots from becoming any closer to going home. She wasn't sure exactly how she'd have to act in order to be considered a Decepticon, but the woman was sure the Autobots didn't see her in that light. 

         "That's called free will, Starscream." Marissa told him. "Just because the government says it's right or wrong, doesn't make them right in all things. I'm only fortunate Miles is as versed in that agreement thing as he is."

     Said boy was grinning ear to ear as he was picked up by Blurr. The racer grinned back, having told him he'd be his guardian for the trip to the Allspark. 

         "For being as dimwitted as he is." Starscream insulted, turning his helm from the sickening, friendly sight. The movement made him notice Barricade's impatient transformation. The police car decided to wait outside for when the group decided to move on toward whatever destination the Allspark was held in. 

     Marissa waved 'goodbye' at her titan captor, skipping toward Knockout who had somehow been coerced by Mikaela into driving them into town to go clothes shopping. Of course, Ironhide was completely against the idea, giving the argument that the cherry colored mech was a turncoat and easily coerced into anything if something was in it for him. Blurr, having been eavesdropping not-so-discretely, questioned how on Cybertron the little femme convinced the pompous 'Con to allow another human in his cab. Apparently, it was easier than it seemed after Mikaela explained she was going to stop by her dad's garage and obtain a couple cleaning solutions for the self-absorbed mech. 

     The trio, after cleaning their shoes five times to appease the shiny mech, left in a hurry. Knockout was eager to acquire proper supplies for his finish and the two women were looking forward to some clothes shopping. Mikaela had forgiven the older woman after Marissa showed she had courage enough to punch the ever-loathed Galloway. Or perhaps she just forgot about her menstrual fueled anger towards the civilian. Either way, the two chatted idly about style, or rather a certain farm girl's lack of. Even Knockout offered his two cents worth (depending on the person, the worth clearly changed) and eventually agreed to help in the search for Marissa's knew clothes. 

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