Brendon 1

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Brendon drags Alayna by the arm into a private study room in the castle. Alayna jerks away  from him. Have you lost your mind father? Alayna asks. Have I lost my mind? tell me you jest? Alayna i told you this event must go without problem Elise says strictly. It did for me, the crown Prince of Eastronvere no longer seems to show interest in marriage Alayna says smugly. Alayna did your mother fail to tell you why this event was important? Brendon asks. Yes, she told me you fear an unlikely war with the Upreniael Empire. A war? With the empire? Olyver the youngest child of the family asks fascinating!

Brendon turns to Olyver there is nothing fascinating about it Olyver, they are a dangerous threat. The empire has a fascinating history is what I meant father, I've been reading all about it. That's all you ever do Crown Prince Tomen says, what does that mean? Olyver asks, It means you don't contribute anything to our royal family. I don't contribute? Olyver asks tell me elder brother, what is it that you do? Other then flirt with handmaidens? Again? Elise asks. He's lying mother, tomen says frustrated.  Enough of this! Brendon shouts, I do not have time for your bickering, Alayna listen carefully, you will go to your chamber to redress and then you will come downstairs to apologize to the Prince Alester and his family. And if I don't? Alayna asks. This isn't an option Brendon says strictly. Just like getting married? Alayna questions, Alayna please Elise says with sigh, NO mother! You know I'm right, I don't have an option on anything! Alayna you must do this for the sake of- You? Alayna cuts Brendon off, i won't marry him father. You will and that is final. Alayna steps back, her eyes filling with frustrated tears, I hate you! I hate you both, Alayna rushes past her parents leaving the study.

Could anymore issues arise? Brendon asks himself. A servant rushes into the study, Your Majesty! You've received a letter. Brendon takes the scroll from the servant who quickly leaves and opens it, his eyes quickly read and his face turns cold.

Brendon, what is it? What does it say? Elise asks. Brendon rips the letter to shreds, the King of Northrosi is DEAD.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2022 ⏰

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