Part 1-Prologue

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Dad : son, please.......kill me

Lucas : (crying hard) no i can't. You're the last one of my family

Dad : please.........i don't want you to see the curse taking over me. Here

Dad gave me his wand to me. I stare at him with a face with full of horror and depression

Lucas : please dad, t-there must be a-another way...

I stuttering of my words because this is to heavy on me

Dad : i thought so too, but seems like there wasn't. Listen to me

I walk to him with a cry and then he put his both hands on my shoulder

Dad : you do know Dad's friends right ?

Lucas : U-Uncle Remus, Uncle S-Sirius, U-Uncle James, Uncle P-Peter, and Aunt Elena

Dad : if you find them, be with them, they will take a good care for you. And also, please, don't cry without emotion to often,

Lucas : b-because i-it will b-break me

Dad : (shed some tears) that's my son. And try your best to hide your surname

I nodded for accepting his demands. Dad put his hand on top of my head and give me some pats, but it's just make everything worse, as i thought that was the last headpats that he will give to me

Lucas : just why dad ? WHY !!?!!?! (crying loudly)

Dad : (crying) back in a way Luke, gotta use some distance

I move backward and i raised dad's wand with two hands, pointing on my Dad that i love

Dad : say 'Avada Kedavra'

Lucas : (crying) DAAADDDD !!!!!

Dad : (Crying) SAY 'AVADA KEDAVRA'

Lucas : NOOOO !!!!


I woke up and I realized that it was just a dream. Sweat already makes their moves on my back and my face

Lucas : *sigh*, another nightmare

I got up from the bed and went straight to the kitchen. When I opened the fridge, it was only bacon and eggs

Lucas : i need to buy some stuff after this

I grab the egg and bacon and start to cook for breakfast

Oops, sorry. Seems like i need to introduce myself first. My name is Lucas Grindelwald. I'm the only son of Daniel Grindelwald and Lara Grindelwald who passed away when i was 4. Dad once said that he'll introduce me to my grandfather once i was 10. I'm 12 now. I lived alone in my house. I cannot use any magic yet because i didn't have any wands to use but somehow i can do this... sort of magic. I can move things with only my hands but all i can do is flipping a bacon

After a couple of minutes, I finished cooking my breakfast. I start to eat it while i read the newspaper

Lucas : hmm...seems like Lithuania, Estonia, and Latvia win independence from the USSR. Good thing

I still continued to eat my breakfast until i was finished. I put the plate and the others at the sink and washed it. After that, i put all of it on the cupboard. I walk to the bathroom to have a shower. After i finished, I walked to the wardrobe and took some comfortable clothes. I walked to the main room and sat on the couch, turning on the tv

Book 1] Harry Potter x Male OCWhere stories live. Discover now