Part 11-Warning and Preparing

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Now, The Golden Quartet is walking outside the castle after their exam

Hermione : i'd always had Hogwarts ginal year's exams were frightfull, but i found that rather enjoyable

Ron : speak for yourself. You alright there Harry ?

Harry : my keeps burning

Hermione : it's happened before

Harry : not like this

Ron : perhaps you should see the nurse

Harry : i think it's a warning. It's mean danger's coming

Ron : and also Lucas. Why did you very silent now mate ?

Lucas : i don't know. All i know is my right eye is itching very badly

Hermione : is it happened before ?

Lucas : nope. I think, it's the same as Harry. Better be carefull

The Trio : agreed

They walk together until they saw Hagrid's playing his flute

Harry : of course

Hermione : what is it ?

Harry : don't you think it's a bit odd, that what Hagrid wants more than anything is a dragon, and a stranger just happens to have one ? I mean how many people wander around with dragon eggs in their pocket ? Why didn't i see it before ?

Then, they run together towards Hagrid's place

Harry : Hagrid, who gave you the egg ? What did he look like ?

Hagrid : i don't know. I never saw his face, he kept his hood up

Harry : this stranger though, you and him must have talked

Hagrid : well, he wanted to know what sort of creatures i looked after. I told him, i said, "After Fluffy, a dragon's gonna be no problem."

Harry : was he interested in Fluffy ?

Hagrid : of course he was interested with Fluffy. How often you come across with three-headed dog ? But i told him, i said, "The trick with any beast is to know how to calm him.". Take Fluffy for example. Play him music and he falls straight to sleep

The four kids looked at each other while Hagrid just realize his mistake

Hagrid : (squint his eyes) i shouldn't have told you that

The four kids running back to the castle, leaving Hagrid. They run through the corridor and continue to run inside McGonagall's classroom, make McGonagall look at them. The kids stop their running at McGonagall's table

Harry : we have to see Professor Dumbledore, immedietly !

McGonagall : i'm afraid Professor Dumbledore is not here. He received an urgent owl from the Ministry of Magic and left ten minutes ago

Book 1] Harry Potter x Male OCWhere stories live. Discover now