Part 6-New Experience

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I walk to the center of the room while scanning the place

Lucas : It's empty. The wall seems capable enough to resist the magnitude of the spell i plan on casting, and the place was very wide. I can learn about Protego Diabolica in here. Good thing. Now, i can practice on my spell

I took out my wand and suddenly, a dummy with a wheel on it's leg part summoned in front of me.

Lucas : whoa, that was very sudden

I look at the dummy before i open my book again for the instruction to cast Protego Diabolica

Lucas : okay, "make a circle around you and say the encantation on your mind." Okay

I prepared my wand and aim it to the floor in front of me

Lucas : (spin around) 'Protego Diabolica'

I did it in my first try. The blue fire starts to light in my imaginary circle

 The blue fire starts to light in my imaginary circle

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Somehow, i feel happy about this. Cause i can use this to protect all of my friends

Lucas : (smiles) this is good

I stare at the dummy that summoned earlie

Lucas : 'how can i attack it ?'

Then an idea cames up to my mind. I
move my wand from the bottom right to top left with some speed and then aim it to the dummy. The fire starts to charge to the dummy and burn it to ashes.

 The fire starts to charge to the dummy and burn it to ashes

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Lucas : okay, it works

I have my wand over my head for deactivate the spell. The fire starts to disappear until it's completely vanished

Lucas : okay, that one already works. Now, for the other spell

I pick my book back and saw another spell

Lucas : Expecto Patronum. Seems an important spell, but it have to be another day. Now, i'm gonna learn some basic spell.

I flip some pages to find some basics spell. I see that all of the spell in Dad's diary is an advance spell, but i manage to find one

Book 1] Harry Potter x Male OCWhere stories live. Discover now