Sneak Peak

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In Some Place


It was night. The night is relaxing, but not for one house

Man : please, i don't know where it is

The man inside the house beg to some kid, that seems to hold a wand

??? : it will be fatal if you didn't tell it. Maybe, your daughter perhaps

He says as he use a wandless magic to get the man's daughter to him

??? : she was beautiful. It'll be a waste if you let her die

Man : please, no

??? : sorry, you gave me no choice. Avada Kedavra

The kid shot the spell to the man's daughter, make the man screams

??? : so, do you want to tell me the place ?

Man : (cried) it was on a Derbyshire. Top of the hill

??? : (smile) see, it's not hard right ?

Man : please, leave me

??? : no. I'll make you go to the place where your wife and daughter go. (point the wand at the man) Avada Kedavra

He shot the killing curse again and finally killed the entire family in the house. After that, there is a girl that walk towards him

The Girl : you know the place ?

Say the girl with a French accent

??? : yes. It was in a Derbyshire, England. Tell the others that they have to prepare for whatever comes. He also might be come to that place

The Girl : right. I'm off

??? : off you go

And then the girl Disapparate from the boy. He pulled out a small piece of wood from his pocket and examined it while he was grinning

??? : it's been a long time, my old friend. Incendio

He burn all inside the house and Disapparate from the house, leaving it burned

Book 1] Harry Potter x Male OCWhere stories live. Discover now