Part 3-First Time on Magical Train

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Little Timeskip


Now, Hagrid is taking me to the station and we walk towards to a kid with black hair and a round eyeglasses

Hagrid : Lucas, meet Harry

Harry : (asking for handshake) hi, my name is Harry Potter. You can call me Harry

Lucas : (accept the handshake) nice to meet you, my name is Lucas Grindelwald. You can call me Luke

Harry : nice to meet you too Lucas

Hagrid : well then, shall we ?

We walk together, Harry and i make some little talks while we walking with our stuff on the trolley

Harry : so, where are your parents ?

Lucas : they already passed out since i was four years old

Harry : owh, sorry about that

Lucas : how about you ?

Harry : same as you, since i was a baby

Lucas : sorry for hear that

Harry : it's okay

Lucas : (smiles) what a life, huh ?

Harry : (chuckles) yeah, what a life

Lucas : hey Harry, i need a favor from you

Harry : what is it ?

Lucas : please, whatever you do, don't let my surname being heared to anyone, please ?

Harry : why ?

Lucas : well, my surname have a little bit history in wizarding world

Harry : seems like we share a same thing

Lucas : r-really ?

Harry : my name's became popular because the tragedy

Lucas : what tragedy

Harry : (whisper to my ears) when Voldemort kill my parents

I pull my head from him and shock knowing that he experiencing the same thing

Harry : what happen ?

Lucas : so he also did that to you ?

Harry : wait, you too ?

Lucas : yes, he's the one who cursed my dad and killed my mom

Harry : wow, that was new

Lucas : same to me

Hagrid : blimey, is that the time ? Sorry Harry, Lucas, i'm gonna have to leave the two of you. Dumbledore will be wanting his.....well, he'll be wanting to see me. Now your train will leave in ten minutes. Here is your tickets

Book 1] Harry Potter x Male OCWhere stories live. Discover now