Part 12-Executing the Plan

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Now, i was just readied my self and grab my invisibility cloak for us to go to the trapdoor safely. Ron also readied himself up, kinda bit scary i can say. Lucas is still reading his book, maybe searching a suitable spell. Hermione just stand there waiting for us

Harry : okay, did you guys ready ?

Ron : (scared) yes

Hermione : yes

Lucas : yeah, let's go

Harry : okay then

We go down stairs together before we met a familiar toad

Harry : Trevor

Ron : Trevor, shooo, go ! You shouldn't be here !

And then, the owner from the toad is revealing himself from the chair

Neville : neither should you. You're sneaking out again, aren't you ?

Harry : now Neville, listen. We're--

Neville : no, i won't let you ! You'll get Gryffindor into trouble again. I-- (raise his fist) I'll fight you

Hermione : Neville, i'm really sorry about this. (took out his wand and aim it to Neville) Petrificus Totalus

Hermione cast a Petrifying Charm to Neville, resulting him to froze and falls down. Hermione put her wand back to it's place

Ron : you're little scary sometimes, you know that ? Brilliant, but scary

Lucas : or maybe, you can Obliviate him

Hermione : that's an advance spell. Qnd how did you know that ?

Lucas : from the diary

Harry : let's go

Before we leave, Lucas pull a blanket from the couch and put it on Neville

Lucas : sorry, Neville. If we didn't do this, Hogwarts is in danger

Then all of us go out from the Common Room. Me, Ron, and Hermione use an Invisibility Cloak while Lucas use his Masking Charm. We walk casually to the door. Before Hermione cast the Unlocking Spell, Lucas want to try something new on it's spell

Lucas : wait, i want to try something new

Hermione : what is it ? And also, where are you right now ?

Lucas : doesn't matter. Aberto

Suddenly, the door is unlocked and open itself

Ron : (amazed) wow, what spell is that ?

Lucas : Aberto. Similiar to Alohomora

All of us went inside the room, only to be met by Fluffy and a Playing Harp

Harry : wait a minute, it's--

Before i can finish my words, Fluffy exhale a breath from his nose and make my Cloak fly to my back

Harry : snoring

After that, Lucas undo his Masking Charm

Lucas : seems like Snape's already been here. He's put a spell on the harp

Book 1] Harry Potter x Male OCWhere stories live. Discover now