Part 5-The Explanation

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I aparate myself with Lucas to the Astronomy Tower to talk with me

Dumbledore : let's start from you, being a heir of Grindelwald

Lucas : okay i know what you think, but i'm not like my grandfather okay ? You have to know that first

Dumbledore : grandfather ?

Lucas : yes-wait, you don't know who's my father is ?

Dumbledore : i don't know. Care to say who is your father is, Lucas ?

Lucas : Daniel. Daniel Grindelwald

Dumbledore : Daniel ? The kind boy from Slytherin ? Lara's husband ?

Lucas : and also my father

Dumbledore : owh, i didn't know he was a Grindelwald

Lucas : Hagrid says that he use a disguise name

Dumbledore : why did Hagrid didn't tell me about this ?

Lucas : dad is scared if his surname being heared by anyone. Please Professor. I swear i'm not my grandfather, same goes to my father

Dumbledore : it's okay, Lucas. I know that your dad is innocent. Even, your dad tries to be different from every Slytherin

Lucas : did he ?

Dumbledore : (hugs him) he was. One of my favorites even

He startled a bit for my sudden action, but he hugs me back aswell

Lucas : i hope this conversation remains private

Dumbledore : you sounds like your father

Lucas : (breaks the hug) everyone told the same to me

Dumbledore : what thing that you learned from your father

Lucas : i ......don't know.

Dumbledore : okay then. Maybe you can train on yourself

Lucas : i will Professor

Then all of us just having a conversation and let the night grows. We sat in the tower while we gazing the nightsky

Lucas : Professor.....

Dumbledore : yes ?

Lucas : did you ever get sleep ?

Dumbledore : i get some sleep in a good measures. Thank you for asking by the way

Lucas : (yawning) huAAAAAAaaaah, i'm sleepy.....

Then he fall to my side and sleeps on my side

Dumbledore : (smiles) let's go to sleep

Then i lift him in baby style and i aparates to his dorm. I lay him on his bed and cover his body with blanket

Dumbledore : (whisper) sleep Lucas. Tommorow is your first day studying in Hogwarts

Then i aparates to my office to continue my reports



I wakes up and suddenly, i'm already in my bed. I see that Ron and Harry still on their bed, sleeping.

Lucas : huaaAAAAAAaahh. Why is everyone gone

I'm questioning myself as i see all the bed went empty

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