Part 7-Unexpected, but Good

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I came to Hagrid's hut and knock on his door

Lucas : (knock) (knock) (knock) Hagrid ? Are you there ?

Then the door opens revealing Hagrid

Hagrid : whoa, hey there Lucas. What are you doing ?

Lucas : i just wanna to ask you this

I give the paper to him and the map

Hagrid : who's send you this ?

Lucas : i don't know. Maybe that was a letter that my mom wrote when she's alive. But who send it ?

Hagrid : guess we have to find out then. I get my bike

I'm waiting Hagrid to grab his motorcycle. While waiting, i see a grey griffin looking at me. It rise up and came towards me

Lucas : i've read about you

I open my Dad's diary and then i flip the page to the page about Hippogriff

Lucas : "Hippogriff. A magical beast that have a wing, front leg, and head of a giant eagle and the body, hind legs and tail of a horse. It was very similiar to another magical creature called Griffin. With the horse replaced by a lion."

I said as i see the Hippogriff are staring at me

Lucas : "When humans approach a Hippogriffs, a proper etiquette must be maintained to avoid danger. Hippogriffs are intensely proud creatures, and an individual must show a proper respect by bowing to them, and waiting for them to bow in return before approaching. Eye contact should be maintained at all times, without a single blink." Okay then, since you already make the first move, I will bow to you

I start to bow to the Hippogriff, which the Hippogriff accept by bowing aswell. I read the book again

Lucas : "lift your hand, and let it comes to you." Gee, thanks dad. It might peck my hand

I lift my hand and surprisingly, he came to me and let me stroke it's beak

Lucas : huh, seems like you didn't interested by my hand

I stroke it's beak and continue to it's neck

Hagrid : already with Buckbeak i see. It's not easy to befriend with a Hippogriff first try

I saw Hagrid with his motorcycle

Hagrid : Come on Lucas

Lucas : but, did you already know where it is ?

Hagrid : hmmm, give me the map. Let me see

I give him the map and he opens it

Hagrid : seems like, Farran goes to Austria for finding a food

Lucas : Austria ? That means....

Hagrid : we're gonna find him there

I'm slightly having an anxiety but i shrugged it off and follow Hagrid to his bike. I sit in the left side of his motor and then we flew off

Night Time, Austria

Now, we already in Austria. Hagrid's motorcycle is very fast so we can come home tommorow morning. He lands his bike on some closed shop and then we go to the forest that we suggest Farran is wandering in

Hagrid : i can't see anything

Lucas : let me help you. (take out my wand) Lumos

Then, the tip of my wand illuminates until it can shine the dark area. I'm trying to find Farran but seems like he's not here

Book 1] Harry Potter x Male OCWhere stories live. Discover now