(OVA) Green-Eyed Girl

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I was wandering around the castle after i had some training in the Room of Requirement. It was a sunny day, everyone was going home to their own houses since they had semester break. I came to Hogwarts because i can train myself and kill some time with some casual clothes

Lucas : it was much peaceful here if everyone wasn't here

I came to the Astronomy Tower. When i about to reach the top of the tower, i can hear someone was crying. A girl. I walked up on the stairs slowly until i reached the top of the tower and found a girl with school robes, crying on the floor. I look at the floor and it was wood, so i knock the floor gently so i didn't spook her but letting her know that I'm here

*tok* *tok* *tok*

The girl turned around and looked at me with her green eyes in tears before she turned around again, wiping her tears away. I saw the symbol of her robes, it was a snake. That means she was in Slytherin

??? : who're you? Why're you here?

Lucas : i was about to chill out in this place. But it seems it was preoccupied

??? : sorry. I'll go now

She's about to stand up but I walked to her and held her arm, telling her to sit back

??? : what? You said that-

Lucas : i know, but because you're looking sad right now, it'll be cruel of me to send you out from this place with a beautiful view

She paused a second and agreed to sit back. I sat beside her. The girl didn't say anything but she starts to cry again

Lucas : oh shit! What did i do? Did i do something wrong? Damn, girls are tough to understand

Lucas : umm... care to share?

??? : why would i share it with you?

Lucas : let's say... you used this place. So, it's just like a payment. Don't worry, i won't tell anyone. And also... maybe i could help

The girl looked at me again with teary eyes before she showed me a letter. I read the letter and it turns out it was about her, being disowned from her family

??? : i just... didn't want to be like them

Lucas : like them?

??? : my family was a Pure-blood. They try to teach me that i can only befriend or marry with another Pureblood. I have many friends that were Half-blood or even Muggle-borns. I tried to hide that i was befriending them but somehow, my parents know it

She continues to cry as she tells her story

??? : i ran out from home and stayed here with the rest of my clothes. I thought they'll try to find me but instead of that, the letter i gave you came in. I was about to break down when i received the letter but i need to go somewhere where i can cry alone, without anyone noticing

She sobs, didn't know what to say anymore. I looked at the letter again before i showed the letter in front of her face

??? : what?

I crumbled the letter in front of her, making her wide eyed. When i opened my palm, the letter was crumbled up. She's about to take the letter before she pulls her hand back when i burned the paper with blue fire

??? : why-why did you do that?

Lucas : Purebloods. It was sickening when they had the Pureblood mania. They think that they're the highest rank from us. Instead of that, there are few of them that really do something great. Have you ever realized the one who does something great was very rare to find if it comes to Purebloods?

??? : no... i don't know

Lucas : hear this, you did the bravest thing. You choose your own choice and do the most challenging act. You should be proud. If it means that you have to live in this place, so be it. It was better than to live in the environment you don't want to live in

??? : how do you know that?

I let the ash of the paper fall from my palm

Lucas : because i already live in the environment that i don't want to live in for eight years. (smile) I took a thing or two

I put my hands on her shoulders and look at her in the eyes

Lucas : i want to ask something

??? : what is it?

Lucas : join me. Join me for an adventure

??? : join you? Join what?

Lucas : my army. It was called Acolytes. It was formed for destroying Death Eaters and bringing peace for the Wizarding world and Muggle world. To bring freedom

??? : an army? What are you, exactly?

Lucas : you see... I was in hiding right now

??? : hiding?

Lucas : well, hiding my identity. I think you'll be shocked if i tell you my real name

??? : what do you mean?

Lucas : the point is, if my full name was known by everyone in this school, I'll be hunted by the ministry

??? : why is that?

Lucas : because i am.... a Grindelwald

The girl stops for a second before starts to chuckle. Seems like she found this somehow funny

Lucas : at least she has a smile now

??? : what kind of terrible joke is that? You must be joking, right?

I just stare at her eyes, telling her I'm not joking

??? : it must be a joke, right?

Once again, i didn't give her an answer and just stare at her

??? : wait, if it was true, then the one who's in prison is...

Lucas : my grandfather, yes

Now she looks very shock

??? : bloody hell...

Lucas : i want to study like normal kids do. So, don't say anything okay?

??? : right, i won't

Lucas : (smile) you know, for a Slytherin, you're the first one who acts different from others. It's good

??? : you think so?

Lucas : yes. It's a good thing that Slytherin is not all full of spoiled brats

??? : hahaha. I think you're too

Lucas : well, I am a Gryffindor

??? : it's rare to see a Gryffindor were nice to a Slytherin

Lucas : well i seek friends, not enemies. That's the other reason i want to go to school. Hey, we haven't introduced our name properly yet

??? : right. Since i used this place, I'll introduce first

Lucas : suits yourself

Daphne : my name is Daphne. Daphne Greengrass

Lucas : my name is Lucas. Lucas Grindelwald. Nice to meet you

Daphne : nice to meet you too

After that, we talk about some magic things for the rest of the day

Book 1] Harry Potter x Male OCWhere stories live. Discover now