Part 4-Memories Channeling In

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At last, the train already has arrived to the station. The station is old fashion yet still clean. Hagrid came with his lantern walk towards the train

Hagrid : Firs' year's ! Firs' year's here ! This way please. C'mon now firs' year's don't be shy. C'mon now hurry up.

And then, Harry, Ron, and Lucas goes out from the train and walk straight to Hagrid

Hagrid : hello Harry, Lucas

Harry : hey Hagrid

Lucas : very harsh just leave us in the station without goodbyes

Hagrid : (rubbing back of his neck) hehehe, sorry there

Ron : wow...

Lucas : wow is it ?

Hagrid : right then, this way to the boat. C'mon now, follow me

With that, we follow Hagrid to the boats that maximum capacity is 4 kids while Hagrid took one boat for himself. They ride their boat and see the Hogwarts from a far. Everyone see it with and awe some of them are wow'ed. Ron and Harry see the Hogwarts with a amazed face while Lucas just see that Hogwarts with a smile on his face. Then Lucas saw this kid with round face kept looking everywhere. Lucas decided to introduce himself to the kid

Lucas : my name is Lucas. You can call me Luke if you want. What seems to be the problem ?

Round Face Boy : hello, i-i'm Neville Longbottom. You can call me Neville. I'm searching for my missing toad.

Lucas : maybe it's already on the school

Neville : how can you be so sure ?

Lucas : (put his hand on Neville's shoulder) Neville, i just a see a frog made of chocolate jumping around and then ran to a wall and turns out you've been transfered to some old train station, what could possibly go wrong ?

Neville : (smiles) seems like you're right

After that, they go upstairs and met with an old women with big hat


Tall Woman : welcome to The Hogwarts. Now, in a few moments when you pass through this door, and join you're classmates but before you could take a seat, you must be sorted to your houses. There are Gryffindoor, Hufflepuf, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin. And while your here, your house is just like your family. Your triumph will earn you points. Any rule breaking, and you will lose points. At the end of the year, the house with the most points is awarded to a house cup-

Neville : Trevor !

I stood there looking at Neville took his toad to his hand while he look to the Tall Woman glaring at him. He say sorry and get back to the crowd. I gave him thumbs up which he accept it

Tall Woman : the sorting ceremony will began momentarily

Before that tall woman leaves, she lay her eyes to me for a moment and then she leaves. After that, i hear a kid with slick back, blonde hair talks

Slick back, blonde hair : it's true then, the saying on the train, Harry Potter has come to Hogwarts

The rest of the students start to murmuring for each other

Slick back, blonde hair : this is Crabbe, this is Goyle. And i'm Malfoy, (walks to Harry) Draco Malfoy

Ron : (snort)

Book 1] Harry Potter x Male OCWhere stories live. Discover now