Part 2-Diagon Alley

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I'm standing in front of my house while waiting for Hagrid to come

Lucas : this...still a shocker to me

Then i can hear a motorcycle sound approaching

Lucas : that should be him

The sound gets closer and closer until i can see Hagrid came in a motorcycle with a side-car

Hagrid : hello there Lucas. Sorry for make you wait

Lucas : it's okay

Hagrid : well, jump in

I hop on the side-car and we start to leave my house


We arrived at a bar. We went inside and Hagrid took me straight to the behind of the building, leading to a little courtyard

Hagrid : does this remind you of something?

Lucas : uhhh...i forgot

Hagrid gave me a smile before he used the tip of his umbrella and tapped a couple of bricks. The bricks start to move and rearrange itself until it opens to a new place. I walk to the front and look at many people and shops

Hagrid : Lucas, welcome to-

Lucas : Diagon Alley

Hagrid : (smile) yes...Diagon Alley

We start to walk to the streets full of people and kids looking at some things behind the window. Animals were displayed outside the shop

Lucas : they dress in robes. Back in the day, all of us wore suits and coats

Hagrid : hmm...i don't know. Maybe the fashion is already changed at this time

We go through many shops. Hagrid shows me the shops where i can buy ink and quils. And then there's another shop for magical recourses

Lucas : so where are we going now?

Hagrid : first thing first, we need to get you some money

Lucas : right. Is there a bank?

Hagrid : there it is. Gringotts. The wizards bank. Take no safer places. Except perhaps Hogwarts

We entered the bank and i can see that all of the workers are goblins

Lucas : goblins

Hagrid : yes. Clever as they come but not the most friendly

We kept walking until we reached a goblin

Hagrid clears his throat, getting the attention of the goblin

Hagrid : this kid wants to make a withdrawal

The goblin reached out to the edge of the table to see me. He then gets back to his seat

Goblin : does he have a name?

Hagrid : owh. It's Lucas

Goblin : no family name?

Hagrid : well... it's a little bit complicated

Goblin : you can't enter any vaults if you didn't give a complete identity

Hagrid : okay, okay. Here

Hagrid put a little parchment in front of the goblin. The goblin took the parchment and read the contents of it. A couple of seconds later, the goblin makes a surprised face and looks at me in shock

Book 1] Harry Potter x Male OCWhere stories live. Discover now