! Antonio's gift !

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I ran to my house telling the whole family about the amazing celebration we were just invited too

Everyone was so excited and my Abuela yelled out

It was just in time to wear my new dress!

And it was beautiful it flows from the waist down stopping at the ankles in layers and had a tight bodice with sleeves that hung down on the shoulders

You can imagine any outfit you want :)

I had my hair loose and put on my shoes and walked down the stairs to the sitting room to find my family and get to the celebration I was so excited I could barely sit still.

Nobody was ready but they said I could go ahead if I wanted

It started soon as you walked up you climbed onto a lamppost to look at the crowd everyone was so happy and cheerful

Once I aproacjed the casa de madrigal, I wasn't really paying attention as I walked in because the house was a sight in itself except for the fact the out of you corner of my eye I saw... me!

Oh camilo right

Hey Bonita

He shapeshifted back into himself

Hola I smirked

Save me a dance in there Y/n

I will, I laughed walking into the house

There was an amazing smell and the whole place was candle-lit and covered in flowers and everyone was chatting around

Dolores walked up to you and giggled looking at you in a weird way grabbing your wrist and dragging you to a more secluded area

SoOOoo. She said in a sing-song voice

WhAttT. I replied in the same tone

I heard you and Camilo talking

Oh ok well you hear everything right

Yeah but nothing exciting really except this
And he talked in his sleep she smirked
Poking you

Ok so he called me pretty you said blushing

And he asked you to dance she added
Do you like him

I don't know. He's sweet but I only just met him

Oh the ceremony is about to start Dolores  stated Dolores and just like that she seemed to have forgoten what we were talking about

She pulled us through to the front of the crowd and I stood next to her and Camilo

But not with them if that makes scenes this celebration was definitely important and you didn't want to intrude

Antonio appeared lit by the houses magical properties he stood there for a big before extending his arm

I need you, he spoke to someone behind the door it looked like it took a bit of persuasion to get the person out

! Camilo Madrigal the Chameleon boy !Where stories live. Discover now