The confession

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It was the next day and Mirabel was going to be putting the doorknob on the house well she was blatantly unaware that she would but she would be none the less

I rushed over to casita and I could see that everyone was standing around the door but they were all casual so I assume nothing happened yet

I slowed down to a walk as I approach casita and I see Camilo

He looked so happy standing there then our eyes met and he seemed pretty nervous he quickly shifted from me to him over and over a few times before giving me nervous wave

I waved back

Your just in time Y/n said felix
Mirabel a about to get the doorknob Augustine whispered

And then Antonio handed Mirabel a doorknob

I noticed Camilo was standing next to me

I suddenly became aware of myself

I wasn't a madrigal but I was here was I intruding were they just being nice by not asking me to leave

But then I felt Camilo hand in mine

And all those thoughts of worry and fear That i wasn't wanted floated away

But then suddenly the door lit up and it was Mirabel and the family standing behind her and... I was there

Standing hand in hand with Camilo

Casita was back and everyone was making there way into the house

Everyones powers were back Peppa and Felix were dancing in snow and isabela was decorating her dress

Madrigal Photo !

Abuela yelled

I was standing with Camilo and Mirabel when Peppa and Felix walked over to us to get Camilo and Mirabel for the picture but when I didn't move they all turned around to me

What ? I say

If your on the door your in the picture said Felix, Mirabel bumped Camilo and he stumbled in front of me

He put his hand out to me and I took it

We smiled for the picture and then casita shoved the tiles around and I fell into Camilo then the picture was taken

After the picture was taken everyone was laughing for ages

Everyone hung out for the rest of the day like a big impromptu party

We played games I danced with Camilo and then he asked me on a walk

I very tired and non chalant Antonio stumbled over to Camilo and said you've got this ! For the nerves and then handed him a jaguar toy looking at Camilo who had a very red face before Antonio fist bumped Bruno who looked back at Camilo and smirked before quickly scurrying away

We walked outside of casita and down the street I knew were he was taking me

Sure enough we arrived at the beautiful lake our favourite spot

! Camilo Madrigal the Chameleon boy !Where stories live. Discover now