The raincloud

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Still camilo pov.

Im  going to see if she's okay camilo said as he
Ran out of  the room to comfort his mom

In the hallway Julieta put herself infront of camilo

Camilo it's best you don't talk to her right now she wants to be alone and you need to respect that okay

Yeah I'm just worried

She'll be okay just let her cool down she's gone on a walk she'll be back later

Back to y/n pov

Oh i couldn't sleep everything that had just happened all I could do was lay on my bed looking at my ceiling and right now that wasn't cutting it.

I put my outfit on and grabbed my back I'll do what I always see to do when I'm feeling the effects of insomnia I'll go to my favourite spot in Encanto the secret river and sketch

I hopped out my window down the tree and started walking down the street to the little lane

But just a bit further down the road I saw a small rain cloud it couldn't be Peppa at this late in the night

So I followed it just in case it occurred to me that if this was Peppa was she upset about me and Camilo I mean she's probably already heard maybe I should be the one to go comfort her but I was to invested

Besides the rain was stationary now and I was getting closer

It led me down to this rocky area and all the crevasses of the rock were filled with puddles from Peppa's cloud

I could hear her sobbing and crying she sounded so upset I felt my stomach type into knots hoping this wasn't about me and Camilo

Peppa are you okay ? I ask softly putting a hand on her shoulder

She quickly turns around and stands up
Y/n of course I'm fine... why are you up so late are you okay

I couldn't sleep and I saw your cloud and I don't mean to intrude but you don't seem fine you seem upset .. do you want to talk about it

Okay well I just feel like I'm letting everyone down anytime something important happens I ruin it with thunder and lightening And anytime something makes me upset I get rain everywhere

and then she realised I was soaking wet from the rain

Look at you all you wanted was an evening stroll let's get you back to casita and you can get a lens of clothes and we'll dry you up

Peppa well go to casita when your ready

Every emotion you experience effects the weather it's your gift and not every day is going to be sunshine nobody's day is all sunshine and if people are bothered by the weather changes that's there problem because frankly you shouldn't care
I don't mean to sound blunt but there always going to be rain and to be honest i my emotions were conveyed by weather it would be so much more out of control
You were given a miracle and you need to embrace that just because it rained when your upset or hurricanes when your mad doesn't mean you don't get to feel those emotions because they are just as important as the happiness and besides what's a bit of rain who is it hurting You have the right to be upset just because your emotions happen control the weather doesn't mean the weather need to control your emotions
Let yourself feel what you need to feel

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2022 ⏰

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