🃏 Prolonged eye contact 🃏

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It was the morning after the girls day/ sleepover and I had woken up pretty early nobody was up yet but I guess Luisa was because her bed was empty

I didn't t want to wake anyone when they were all probably tired and it was quite early 7:00

I mean usually you struggle to wake up in the morning how were you awake now best not to question it I thought

I got up to use the bathroom, and walked past all the doors ; they really were beautiful the magical designs glowing it was a sight to see

As I walked down across I saw a creaky painting but it was probably nothing

But then I saw other people awake too


I guess she gets up early to make food for everyone I thought to myself but she was talking to somebody


You definitely had noticed there relationship before I loved that they were so close I mean the whole family was really

He was sitting on top of the counter smiling while Julietta was cooking

You realized you were staring and kept walking to the bathroom

And then went back to Isabella's room Isabella was up but nobody else was

I felt kind of awkward because I hadn't really talked to her much but she seemed nice and everyone in town loved her soo what's the worst that could happen talking to her

Your gift is really beautiful I said to Isabella

Thank you she responded
Sometimes it's too beautiful she huffed under her breath

I think I could understand were your coming from I said quietly

Like everyone expects you to be perfect so if you want to be anything else people are shocked, it's like being in a cage ; in a way

Yeah that's exactly it she chuckled a bit

We sat and chatted about random stuff until everyone else was awake too

Julietta called everyone down for food and everyone sat at the table for breakfast

Everyone was making small talk and eating you kept glancing quickly at Camilo you couldn't help it and besides it's not like you weren't looking at other people at the table

But then you locked eyes you quickly looked away and kept eating, more self conscious about your little glances thinking maybe he had been making them too.

Everyone was finished eating and were chatting at the table

You desired you'd play a game together before everyone left to do whatever they wanted Felix handed everyone a card and said

If you get the joker your the killer, if you don't your innocent the killer has to kill the innocent players by winking at them inconspicuously and all the innocent people have to try and guess the killer, if your winked at you have to "die" you can make this as dramatic or as simple as you want

! Camilo Madrigal the Chameleon boy !Where stories live. Discover now