! Running erands and into magical people aparently !

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"Kids get dressed we're going to the market to shop for everything and anything, leaving in twenty minutes" your mom yelled.

I got up immediately I wasn't a morning person but this was to exciting to sleep through. New clothes, new food, new accessories and new town!!!

Everyone wore more traditional clothes mostly but there were more modern peices mixed in it was unique and you had allot of clothes so at least you could find new ways to incorporate them into the more traditional outfits.

You put on a long blue skirt with deferent Colors throughout and a white shirt.
Tied your hair half up half down and headed out to your family.

Nobody except abuela was ready and she told you to go ahead and do some exploring ; and so you did just that.

Every little lane had beauty one in particular led to a pretty river covered in beautiful flowers and it was the most breathtaking thing you had ever seen, you would be back but you needed to go to the market as your family had probably caught up by now.

You walked back up the road you came along and saw the same boy from yesterday wearing the same yellow chameleon ruana. It was really intriquite and personal he must like chameleons I thought as I walked past him.

I must have been daydreaming a bit because about a minute later I bumped into a girl she was wearing a red skirt and white top with her hair in a pretty bun. It suited her perfectly and she almost looked familiar but you couldn't put your finger in it.

"I'm so so so sorry" I said,

"Don't worry about it"
"I' m Dolores ! ¿Tu nombre?"


"You sound familiar but I've never seen you before are you new here ! "she said with a smile

Sound familiar that was weird you thought
"Yeah I moved yesterday"

Y/n there you are, come try on these clothes for your mother please

"Sure dad" you responded

"It was nice meeting you I have to go thought see you around"

"You too Y/n see you around"

"Bye" you laughed

Your mother was very particular but it wasn't annoying it just meant you had to have an outfit for every occasion and that wasn't bad at all you liked dressing up and all that stuff

She had you try on a few skirts for everyday you got three you already had a blue one and now you had a purply pink, red , green, and yellowy gold skirt.

A pair of jeans, a few pairs of shorts and a bunch of white tops some with sleeves some without some with big puffs.

Then you picked up some pretty blue fabric and held it up, you Abuela rushed over with a surge of energy and was really excited.

"This is beautiful fabric here let's get it and I'll make you a dress tonight I've been looking for a project" She beamed up at you

"Gracias!" You replied giving her a big hug

You asked your mom if you could walk around the town instead of going home for a while if you promised to be back soon.

She agreed almost immediately even though you didn't think she would she said it was important to emerse myself with the town.

So I did I traveled down other little lanes, you decided the thing you loved about Encanto was the fact that every little turn led to another beautiful nook there was no we're not worth your time and this lane was no different led down past a stall in the market selling musical instruments,

Which excited you because you loved music you played the guitar and loved singing you'd have to save up and get one because you had to leave your old one in Sweden.

You went down this lane and as it went on it grew wider and lanterns began to appear strung form house to house, it was so pretty and it lead to a hooded circular stage,

There was nobody around and in the middle of the stage there was a guitar and a stool.

You sat on the stool and picked up the guitar and started strumming before you knew it you were singing and when you finished the song you realised someone was watching you

Camilo the boy from yesterday

You were so embarrassed how long was he there for you got up to swiftly exit the situation but he started taking

Hey Y/n

He nervously shapeshifted form you back to him quickly

"What was that" you said shocked

Oh I thought you might know by now my family the madrigals have magic abilities I can shapeshift see

He shapeshifted into me and waved then I as back to himself

Wow that's really cool

Thanks. Also you  play and sing really well my brother is having a ceremony today to see what gift he will  get do you want to come its at my casa later on today

See you there I smiled

I walked out back through the lane and went back to my house but clearly had a habit of bumping into people this time it was a girl being followed by kids asking her about powers


It's no problem :) she replies

Then breaks into song explaining her magical family, and it didn't take you long to realise Camilo and Dolores were siblings and that's why they looked so similar and everyone in her family had an amazing gift

Except her, Mirabel that was her name

Now the children were nagging her about her gift right before Delores spilled the beans she seemed upset and walked away but this time she bumped into me

Oh sorry, wait your the girl from earlier are you new here

Yeah I said I already met two of your cousins briefly I'm going to their brothers ceremony tonight i gotta go but I'll see you there yeah

Yeah I'll keep an eye out for you she smiled

Great I replied before running back to my house to get ready.


Hey guys hope you enjoyed this chapter it's allot longer than the last :))

! Camilo Madrigal the Chameleon boy !Where stories live. Discover now