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We, meaning Micky, Noah, Luke, my dad and myself were sat around the dining table, eating a pizza takeaway.

The boys were talking about god-knows-what. And I was just taking small bites out of my small slice of pizza.

"El, you ok?" My dad asks, across the table, making everyone's attention go to me.

"Oh, yeah I'm fine" I say, taking another bite.

"Do you want to talk about your chat with Miss Bright?" He asks, while Luke rubs my thigh next to me, knowing that I was worried and upset about something.

"Not really. What did the police say?" I ask, looking up for once.

"Els, I don't think I should tell you, the police need to explain it to you themselves." He looks at me with narrowed eyes.

"Please, just tell me the main points. Have they found mum yet?" I ask, the boys looking to my father.

"They have" My eyes shot up when my father answers. "She is in a holding cell at the moment. The court date is next week, she'll be in a holding cell until the court date"

"Did you speak to her?" I ask, looking at the table to avoid any eye contact.

"I did, but Els, I'm not going in details about what was said, you have nothing to worry about, you don't need to know this right now" He signs, taking another bite.

"Ok" I say shortly.

"Now, how did your chat with Miss Bright go?" He asks.

"I-I had to set these goals, she gave me a journal and said to use it in anyway I want and stuff, and she gave me these mini-activities to do. All about mental health really." I look down, still wanting no eye contact.

"That's good, your getting support that you need" He smiles at me.

"What day is the court day?" I ask quietly.

"Next Wednesday, you won't be going to school, it's at 10am." He says. "Oh and that reminds me, Micky, Noah and Luke, you need to go into the station and do interviews and statements at some point"

"Yeah, we'll do that soon" Luke replies, giving a small nod towards me.

"Dad, is mum mad at me?" I ask, my voice cracking. "And are we really getting a restraining on her?"

"Honey, you don't need to worry about your mum just right now, and from what the police have told me, I don't think you'll see her for a long time" My dad rubs my knee underneath the table. "Now, eat your dinner honey and don't worry about a thing"

"Don't worry about a thing" Luke sings out from that song about three little birds, making as all laugh, me laughing through tears. "Sorry I had to do that, just seemed the right time" 

'One Week Later'

I was more nervous than ever. My knees were shaking, my hands shaking as I bite my nails and skin around them. My breathing was hitched and my throat dry.

I was sat at a table in the court room, sat in-between our lawyer and my dad. My mum was on a separate table, with her own lawyers. I was just too nervous to look over there. So I was looked forward, towards the judge.

We'd done all the stuff with different witness, my dad, Micky, Noah and Luke had to go to the front, ask a bunch of questions. Every so often, I had to answer a few questions in-between other things happening.

I was nervous for the outcome but I knew whatever happened. I'd have my best friends and my dad by my side. As cringy and soppy as it is, they are great, loving people if you didn't know already.

"Jury Spokesmen" The judge simply says, the person right at the front stands and looks at the judge. "Have you reached your decision?"

"We have" The women says, her eyes fixed to the judge.

"What is the juries decision?" The judge asks.

"We have found the offered guilty" The women simply says before sitting back down and looking towards me with a small smile. My breathing hitches and I look at my mother who was slouching in her chair, her hand on her forehead.

"Ok, we will now discuss the actions" The judge says looking to my mother.

My dad leans down to my ear and whispers softly. "Whatever happens now, your mother will never touch you again"

"Thank you" I wrap my arms around his middle and he does the same, giving me a kiss to the top of my head. We gently pull away and smile, before returning mentally to the room.

"I believe that Estella's father, Jim, has a house and has a stable job to place Estella fully into his custody" The judge speaks, turning to us.

"I do indeed, we have lived in the house for about a week and I have a very steady income" My dad explains next to me, his hand holding mine tightly.

"That is really good sir and I'm glad Estella can be brought up around a good home" This was another thing I hated, he insisted in calling me Estella. I brushed it off though. "The penalty for child abuse is 5 years in prison. That will be put in place immediately after this hearing. The next thing is, Estella, I need to answer this next question. Would you personally like a restraining order on your mother?" He asks.

"Please can you explain what that means?" I ask, I knew what it was, I just wanted to check.

"A restraining order means that in 5 years, if your mother is seen with you or around you, in anyway harming you, there will be another hearing to discuss if she goes back to prison." He explains.

"Is there a way of having a restraining order but being allowed to visit her in prison?" I ask, shocking everyone I think. "It's not that I definitely will, I just want that option"

"I can put that in place. So you'd like to see your mother in prison but not outside" I nod slowly.

"She can't hurt me in prison, outside she can" I gulp, looking at her, to see her looking at me. I immediately look away and back to the judge.

"Ok, Jim and Aiden, do you agree with Estella's requests?" The judge asks. Aiden was our lawyer.

"Yes I agree judge" Aiden immediately replies.

"I don't want Ella ever to be alone with her mother, I will always be with her" My dad replies.

"Of course"

A few more things were said, basically a summary of the whole hearing before three bangs were heard.


'end of 12.'

...this is the second court chapter I have done across my stories... 

Posted: 26.3.22

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