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Dad was sitting beside me, holding my hand as we spoke in hushed voices.

Not wanting anyone else nearby to hear us.

"Dad, would it just be easier for me to go in a children's home?" I mumble, playing with the bed sheets with the other hand.

I can't believe that it has been nearly a month since the 'incident'. And I was still in hospital.

"Els, I can't believe you would even suggest that. No way, am I letting you go to a children's home, you are my gorgeous daughter, I would never let that happen" He immediately shuts me up. "Now, shush and sleep" He leans over me to press a kisses to my forehead.

And I do just that. After giving a rare bright smile.


"So, Jim, despite Ella's condition we have decided that she can go home." The doctor in front of me says, I sit up straight, couldn't believe what they had said. "I know she is in a lot of pain, but there is not much else we can give to her to stop that. Time is needed for her to heal and I believe that she just needs to be at home because it is where she is comfortable"

Ella was weak.


In pain.

She could rarely lift her head without pain stinging her whole body.

Why would they send her home?

"There is a childcare service, so a nurse would come round to your house everyday, to check on Ella and if there were any concerns about her, bring her back here" The doctor tells me, passing a piece of paper to me. I take it and hold it, glancing down at the writing covered sheet. Parent signature?

"What do I have to sign for?" I ask in curiosity.

"I was getting on to that. I'd like to issue her some medication but it's very very strong so you have to sign and be the one who takes care of it, as her parent" He tells me.

"What's the medication for?" I ask, crossing my eyebrows.

"That liquid that Diana-" I tense at just her name. "-put in her neck is something that is messing her liver up, as you already know" He pauses, thinking before speaking again. "This medication is going to make sure that her liver does not fail, and does not need a liver transplant"

"Is that a possibility?" I ask with nervousness.

"Yes, liver failure is an possibility. I'm going to ask that we schedule a monthly scan to check that nothing has developed in her liver."


"Go tell her the good news"


Laying against the mountain of pillows, a headache forming in my head, my stomach cramping and curling, my limps weak and painful and just general energy was so low.

All three boys were sat around me, and dad was talking to my doctor, about I don't know what.

But soon enough, my dad was walking through the door. He immediately hugs me for a few seconds before pulling back.

He was...crying.

"Dad, what is going on? You're scaring me." I say sternly, my eyes shifting to the boys who were watching with confusion too.

"Els" He tucks a piece of my hair behind my ear. "We're going home" He says, the air in my lungs gives out, and I release a shaky breath.

"What? How?" I mumble in confusion.

"I'm not really sure baby, but there is a nurse who is going to come round our house to check in every day and we have very very strong medicine for you. But you have to be in bed, no getting up, apart for the toilet" He tells me, I smile.

"Buddy?" My voice asks.

"Yes, Buddy will be beside you" He says, nodding. "Right, lets get you all packed and ready to get you home"

For the next hour, I watch the boys and my dad tidying up the room, and packing my clothes and other items into my suitcase and backpack.

The doctor comes in with a wheelchair, I stare at it as he brings it to my side.

"Yes, before you protest, you can't walk" The doctor tells me, seeing my face in disagreement.

"I could try" I mumble, I haven't walked properly for ages, I could try.

"No, you need therapy first. That injection has made your whole body weak, you need time and pre-caution ok?" He tells me, putting the brakes on the wheelchair. I nod softly, just giving up. "Jim, I'm good with you helping her dress and getting into it. I'm going to come out with you to your car to help her in there"

"Ok" My dad says, folding one of my pairs of joggers. I've been living in joggers the last month. And I'm sure that will continue.

Half an hour later, Luke, Noah, Micky and my dad were putting my limp body in the wheelchair. Noah grabs one of my fluffy blankets from the bed and tucking it over my lap, going onto kissing my forehead lightly and stoking the hair on my head.

Honestly, you'd think that these boys are my boyfriends if you didn't know any better. But, they are not, and hopefully never will be. I wouldn't want to ruin anything that I already have with the three of them.

The hospital that I had lived in for a month was completely empty, and the fie of us were looking around to check that we haven't forgotten anything.

"Right, we are ready to go?" My dad checks by couching down in front of me, which to I nod weakly. "Let's get you home baby" Kissing my cheek and leaving with the wheelchair handles in his hands.

'end of 45.'

double update :)

Posted: 6.8.22

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