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I counted the seconds. I think I got to 2564 before I broke down in sobs.

I reckon that I've been sat in this phone box for at least 5 hours.

I think it was yesterday that my dad took me to the hospital. Considering that I had already had one night of darkness, that wasn't as bad as this. At that point, I was underneath a street light and it was bright.

But now, it was pitch black, cold and wet. And I was tired but I promised myself not to fall sleep until I was safe. And I was definitely not safe.

Wild wolves are a thing right...?

And I'm pretty sure that this phone box was old. It was dirty, a couple of the windows were smashed out, there was water travelling in through the top of the box.

My thoughts get drawn to my dad and friends again but all of a sudden I hear sirens getting closer and closer, and then the blue and red lights flood the scene.

I stand up and fling the phone box door open, and out of two police cars, my dad, Noah, Luke and Micky come running towards me.

I ran towards them, crashing into their bodies and hugging the four of them at the same time. In a group hug.

Unaware of how damp I was making their clothes, I didn't care.

I was in my dads and my best friends arms.

They pull back and look at me.

"I-I'm cold" I stutter before my light becomes darkness and I'm met with a wet, muddy ground.

'The Next Day'

"Please don't take her away from me, she won't cope without me. Please wait until we have her story, please" I hear my dad plead. What was going on? I decide that right now is the right time to open my eyes.

In which I do, I'm met with my dad's, Noah, Luke and Micky's faces all sitting around me in a hospital bed. As well as two people that I have never seen before, a lady and a man. My breathing was shaky and uneven, my eyes travelled down slightly and I see a clear oxygen mask covering my nose and mouth.

"D-dad-" I try and get out but comes out muffled, but this catches everyone's attention. My dad turns away from the unknown people and puts his hand to my head.

"Oh baby" He stresses, stroking my hair away from my forehead, he leans down and gives it a small kiss. "It's ok" He coos, putting his forehead to mine. "We gonna get through this"

"W-what do they mean? Take me away?" I mumble, it coming out muffled, but my dad manages to hear and replies anyway.

"Don't worry, princess, I won't let them" My dad reassures me, giving me a comfortable yet awkward hug.

"Estella" Someone says, and my eyes travel to the women who had said my name.

Before I could say anything, my dad scolds. "What did I say, her name is Ella!" He says angrily, before his eyes rest back to mine and they soften.

"Sorry, Ella, can you tell me what happened?" She asks again and my dad turns back angrily.

"Can you give her some time to wake up please?" He scolds again. "Just let her breath for a minute"

They both nod, and get up and step out of the room, giving myself a moment to breath, apparently.

"Dad" I look at my dad, he smiles softly. "Noah" My eyes travel to Noah's, then Luke's. "Luke" And finally Micky's. 'Micky." I pause, looking at the ceiling. "I'm sorry, I ran off. I had good reason" My breathing was uneven and the mask streamed up around my mouth and nose. My non-burnt arm reaches up to my face and pulls it down to my chin. "Amber and her mum were in the hospital"

"I thought Amber's mum was in prison and that's how they were communicating about you" Micky nods to me, in confusion.

"She got released a few days ago"

"What did she say, baby?" My dad asks me, holding my hand gently in his.

"'Mummy is missing you' That's what Amber's mum said the-" I stop, a crock coming from my lips. "Then, Amber said 'our mummy's have plans and we are still visiting your mummy'" My hand moves the mask back to my nose and mouth as I hold it tight and try to breath.

"Breath angel" My dad coos, stroking my hair on my head.

I take the mask off again, "Then they got called to see the doctor, and Amber's mum said 'Nice to meet you, Estella, such a pretty name for an ugly girl and silent girl' and left.'" I pause, taking a breath. "Please don't make me explain it again."

"So that's why you ran?" My dad confirms.

"I know it was stupid, I was scared and truth be told it helped to clear my head for a bit then I got lost and got scared."

Still am really scared.

Maybe silent is the way to go now...?

'end of 30.'

sorry it's been long time, i forgot! so much revision needs to happen on my side! 

in positive news! i'm nearing at 1k reads! thank you so so much for reading my story. it means the world to me :) 


Posted: 11.6.22

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