(9) I'll Light the Fire

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Top Harry

There's a soft orange glow emanating from behind Harry's eyelids, and the sound of gentle ocean waves crashing the shore in the distance. He breathes in deeply and licks his lips, the sweet scent of plumeria and boy, of Louis, bringing him back to consciousness. Their bodies are fused together, Harry's front to Louis' back, nothing separating them aside from a light sheen of sweat.

Harry pushes his curls back off his forehead and cracks one eye open. The sun is shining brilliantly through the patio doors and filling the room with golden rays. Too bright and too early, he thinks. His arms and legs ache with a pleasant burn, images from last night playing in his head. It's all worth it when he blinks his eyes open a few times, trying to let them adjust to the brightness of the early morning, and he takes in the sight of Louis for the first time that day.

Curvy lines of golden, tan skin flood Harry's vision, and there's nothing Harry wants more in this moment than to reach out and run his hands and mouth over every inch of his boy. Like a moth to a flame, he reaches out to lightly ghost over the fingertip shaped bruises on the side of Louis' hip, smiling to himself when he sees goosebumps surface on his warm skin. Maybe he got a little carried away last night, but it was nothing Louis didn't ask for, and Harry's not one to deny the love of his life anything.

Harry shifts as quietly as he can so he's lying on his back, not wanting to disturb Louis. Keeping a hand on Louis' hip and covering his eyes with his arm, he replays the events of the previous night in his head, wondering what he did to be blessed with a life so wonderful.

They made it home from dinner just under an hour ago, barely making it through dessert when Louis asked for the check. He took one last seductive bite of their shared blackberry parfait before he stood from the table to come and stand next to Harry. Harry didn't let the little show he gave of wiping the corners of his pretty lips with his napkin go unnoticed.

Harry looks up from where he's sitting, raising one eyebrow and letting Louis' small hand come up to cradle his cheek.

"Take me home, please?" Louis asks softly.

Harry would be lying if he said he didn't see this coming, with the way Louis' been looking at him ever since Harry got home from work earlier and told him to put something nice on because they were going out tonight. Harry knows that look, has been lucky enough to be on the receiving end of it hundreds of times in the past two years.

Casually leaning back in his chair, Harry raises an eyebrow and reaches up to take Louis' hand in his, bringing it down to rest them both on his chest. "You haven't finished your dessert," he teases.

"I've had enough of this dessert, though. Wanna see what we have at home."

Harry's eyes widen, barely enough for Louis to even notice, and he tries his best to hide his amusement when he smiles. He knows he's failed when Louis pokes softly at his left dimple. He takes the key fob from his jacket pocket and places it into Louis' palm, keeping Louis' hand between both of his.

"Wait for me in the car, okay? And lock the doors. I'll be out as soon as I settle the bill."

"Don't be too long," Louis smiles, and leans down to give Harry a sweet kiss on the lips before turning to make his way out of the restaurant.

They spend the drive home in comfortable silence. Harry's got a firm grip on the steering wheel with one hand and the other resting easily on Louis' thigh, fingertips teasing ever so lightly on the inseam. Sweetness by Yes is playing through the speakers when Harry slowly turns the Range Rover into their driveway and pulls into the garage, giving Louis' thigh a light squeeze before releasing the key from the ignition.

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