(73) You've Been Starring In My Dreams

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orphan_account on ao3

Bottom Louis


Harry ran a dry fingertip against the rosy skin and shifted his sight to catch Louis' reaction. His eyes were screwed shut and his lips were parted on an exhale. His fist was digging into his papers and his hips were grinding into the mattress.

He was desperate for it and his poorly concealed whimpers made it that much more obvious.

Work Text:

"Alright, I'm off!"

Harry spat out in the general direction of his boss' office. He couldn't care less if anyone heard him. Working a double in a rundown bar took the life out of him, and all he wanted to do was rid himself of his grimy uniform, and cuddle up with his boy.

Their final year of uni was coming to an end and he knew Louis was holed up at home revising until his brain went numb. He wanted to be there. Wanted to relieve stress from the both of them. Wanted to share body heat between them on this chilly night.

Home is where he wanted to be and he could hardly wait another second longer.


"Lou," he called out weakly as he slipped off his boots and tossed his keys in the general direction of their front table.

Shadows and moonlight cast a cool glow across the expanse of their flat. The atmosphere felt a bit dreary and matched the chill creeping up his spine. Harry needed his warmth now. Needed to find Louis and immerse himself in his radiance.

"In here, love."

Like music to Harry's ears. A soft, sweet melody, wrapped in familiarity, luring him in with each vowel. He quickly padded his sock covered feet across the wooden floors and followed the sound of Louis' voice.

A beam of light flooded out into the hallway where the door to their bedroom was slightly cracked open. Harry slowly stepped forward and adjusted his hair away from his forehead, trying to spruce and groom where he could. He tiptoed the rest of the way until he reached the door and quietly pushed it open.


Wow .

It was like walking directly into one of his fantasies.

Candles placed upon their bedside tables bathed the room in amber light and the rich scent of vanilla invaded his senses. Fresh linen dressed their mattress in off shades of white and the flickering light danced against the silhouette of the boy in the middle of it all.

Louis was sprawled out against his stomach. Textbooks and notepads spread in front of him, as his legs crossed at the ankle and his brows pinched together in concentration. His wrist moved rapidly as he scribbled against his papers and habitually flicked his silky fringe out of his sight.

God, he was a vision.

Harry followed the slope of his back with his eyes. Curving from his shoulder blades all the way down to the perfect dip of his waist. The hem of his t-shirt grazed the flawless skin of his bare arse and the thickness of his thighs mesmerized Harry to no end.

Louis was so unknowingly stunning.

Harry directed his vision back towards the top of the bed and felt his breathing hitch in his chest. Louis peeked over his shoulder with a tantalizing curl to his lip and an amorous look in his eye. His eyelashes fluttered as he dropped his pen on top of his textbook and casually reached out a hand; silently instructing Harry to come forward.

Harry moved eagerly at his unspoken request. Striding over to the bed and allowing himself to be roughly pulled down by the collar. As he knelt down against the bed, unhurried lips pressed against his own. His body sagged at the feeling and his hands moved to cup the sides of Louis' face. His fingertips scratched behind Louis' ears and Louis' tiny fist pulled him deeper into the kiss.

Larry Smut from AO3/WattpadWhere stories live. Discover now