(84) gets me overwhelmed

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crybaby  on ao3

Top Louis


Louis' big, he knows. It's why they need hours when they have sex, and why they don't get to fuck often, because when they do, Harry has to be beyond relaxed and Louis has to spend a good half hour fingering him open before he can even think of getting his dick in him, and even then he has to go slow, holding Harry open as his splits him, inch by inch.

Harry loves it though, has loved Louis' cock since he first got his hands on him. It's kind of strange, because Harry was a tight little virgin and Louis had the Hulk hiding in his trousers, but Harry's never been anything but enthusiastic.

(harry gets horny when he's high and louis has a huge cock. they fuck on the tour bus)

Work Text:

Harry goes to his bunk to have a nap as soon as they get back from the pier. Louis still feels like shit for convincing Harry to go on the ride with him, Harry starting to cry and falling into a panic attack as they reached the summit of the stupid ride.

As soon as the ride slowed to a stop and the safety rail was lifted, Louis was helping Harry out, squeezing his hand and walking him to the bathroom. Once he had Harry seated on the bathroom counter, he'd tried to get him to breathe normally, rubbing his hand up and down his thigh as he'd ran his hand under cool water, pressing his wet fingers against Harry's forehead.

He'd had no idea what to do, stuck to just telling Harry he was okay now and how sorry he was. Harry'd stopped crying after clinging to him for a good ten minutes, offering Louis a shaky smile, but Louis still felt like shit after Harry said it was okay. Even when Harry had shakily started mumbling about how it was stupid of him to even attempt the ride and it wasn't Louis' fault, Louis felt awful and dreadful.

One of their handlers had gone on a pharmacy run to get Harry some beta-blockers to calm him down, also getting more condoms as per Zayn's request, more lube as per Louis', and a twix for Niall, please. They aren't going anywhere overnight, but they're staying the night in their tour bus, rather than in a hotel for God knows why.

Harry's been asleep for near five hours, still sleeping when Niall and Liam shuffle from the bus' little lounge and off to bed, and even when Zayn gets out his bottle of whiskey.

Louis loves Zayn, because they seem to agree on everything and Zayn always shares his alcohol. Zayn also has seven seasons of CSI on his laptop and finds it just as cool as Louis does when they cut people open.

They're a third of the way into his bottle when Zayn disappears to his bunk, coming back with an artfully rolled joint between his fingers, bic lighter in the palm of his hand. Another reason why he loves Zayn is because Zayn's a master at sneaking weed under the noses of their handlers, and he always shares with Louis. He doesn't know where Zayn gets it, but he always gets his hands on the high quality shit, the type that Louis gets a nice buzz from after one hit.

Harry stumbles into the little lounge during episode three of season four, after Zayn's just rolled another joint. He still looks half asleep, hair a ruffled mess where it tumbles across his forehead. He isn't wearing a shirt, just a pair of Louis' joggers that are a bit too big for him, Harry showing off the slight tan on his soft tummy and the sunburn on his shoulders and nose after spending hours in the sun for their video. He sits down on the couch next to Louis, arms wrapping around his waist as he mumbles out a greeting, rubbing his cheek against Louis'.

'Hey baby, sleep well?' He asks, wrapping his arm around Harry's bare shoulder. Harry nods, makes a noncommittal sound in his throat.

'Should have just slept through,' Louis murmurs into his ear as Harry makes himself comfortable, curled up against his side. Harry shakes his head slightly, still sleepy and cuddly when he settles and focusses on Zayn's laptop. 'You feeling better?' He asks then, guilt still clawing at his tummy. Harry just nods again, pressing a half-hearted kiss to Louis' chest.

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