(63) Supermarket Boy (2/3)

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Part 2: Stock Check


Louis returns to the supermarket.

Work Text:

'You've got to be kidding me,' he mumbled.

Louis was antsy enough about being in this particular supermarket without the self-checkout machine buggering up on him. It didn't really help considering what he was purchasing, even if they were amongst a series of other inconspicuous items like bread and toothpaste. He swiped the small box repeatedly in front of the scanner, ignoring the 'wait for assistance' message that flashed resiliently on the screen. He was so determined that he didn't see the figure sauntering over to him.

'Now, what did I tell you about self-service?'

The deep voice stilled his movements and the turmoil that had swirled through him the past two weeks crept up on him. His days had consisted of trying not to think of the boy who now stood watching him and his nights had welcomed every memory of those minutes in that bathroom as he tugged himself desperately. He turned slowly, discreetly leaving the troublesome box on the side, coming face to face with the one employee who he really didn't want to help him.

Harry stood casually with his strong arms folded across his chest, his face lit up in smug surprise and looking - fuck - just as gorgeous as his sweaty memory, if not more so.

'I-I don't think you did warn me against these things actually,' he stuttered.

Harry raised his eyebrow and quirked his lips to one side.

'I think you'll find that I did teach you a lesson in letting other people take care of things for you, Lou.'

The nickname fell from his lips like they had been friends for years and it made Louis' stomach churn and flutter at the same time. His voice stuck in his throat, but it seemed that Harry expected nothing less.

'I can understand why you'd be avoiding me,' he continued. 'But I must say that I'm disappointed you let our little escapade get in the way of our low prices and money-saving deals.'

His tone was light, but underneath was something reassuring that freed up Louis' words.

'I wasn't avoiding you.'

Such a lie, but Harry just grinned at him.

'Don't worry, mate. Like I said, I understand.'

Louis offered him a weak smile in return, at a loss as to what he should say next, and instead just gestured limply at the machine next to him. Harry jumped a little, like he had forgotten why he had come over here in the first place and moved nearer.

'Right, I just have to scan my card and it should let you get on wi-'

Harry's words cut short when he noticed what exactly it was that he had been trying to buy.

Louis chewed on his lip, expecting the boy to poke fun at him or make a seedy remark. What he wasn't prepared for was the hurt that flashed transiently across Harry's face before colouring into poorly concealed contempt.

'Busy weekend planned?'

Louis couldn't say that he had. It was more of a precaution that he wasn't sure was necessary, but Liam had forced him into taking.

'N-not really. I'm just going to this party later and I thought tha—'

'That's funny, because I thought I made it clear last time how I wanted your next purchase to play out.'

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