(25) CPR - Leave Me Breathless

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fetchlylarrystylinson on ao3

Top Harry

I drove down the rainy streets of London while clutching a piping hot travel cup of Yorkshire. I was running late for my first day of medical school. It was hard enough to get in, I couldn't let all of that go to waste on the first day and blame it on my bloody alarm clock. It wasn't my fault really, I was up quite a bit of the night trying to cram for any surprise questions they might throw at us. So as I threw my exhausted body onto the bed and sleepily set my alarm, I forgot to change the six o'clock PM to AM.

Okay, so maybe it was my fault.

As fate would have it, I managed to be so lucky to catch every single red light. On top of waking up late, I didn't have time to do a quiff to keep my hair out of my face for the day, so I had to leave it in it's natural state of messy fringe. I must say, besides the scrubs, the hair looked a bit too rocker/boy-band for a day at medical school.

I swung into the parking lot and practically ran to the elevator. It was taking to long so I ran up the stairs, and I was already half an hour late. When I finally found door number 18, I ran in only to be greeted with an empty room. "Fuck! First day and I'm already fucking everything up. Shit, god damni-" A deep, warm voice interrupted my very professional string of curses making me practically jump out of my skin.

"That's quite a mouth you've got there." A tall man with shoulder length brown curls descended from the other side of them room. "You missed the whole first part of the class."

I knew this was now the appropriate time to start apologizing and beg for forgiveness, but I couldn't gather my thoughts, let alone form sentences. I was sure this man was the most beautiful man I had ever seen. His emerald green eyes were light, despite his angered tone. His broad shoulders made him look strong and confident, yet his pigeon toed feet made him look young and approachable. I was so entranced by his presence that I didn't notice him inching closer. Our toes almost touching.

"Oh what's the matter? First your spitting out curses left and right like a filthy sailor, now cat's got your tongue?" He smirked. "What's your name?"

I willed myself to speak and tried desperately to ignore my body getting hot all over. "L-Louis Tomlinson." I spoke shakily looking up at him. 

"My name is Dr. Harry Styles, and I was teaching the class this morning. It was only half an hour because it was CPR and I assumed most everyone should know how to preform CPR if they're in a medical program. Louis Tomlinson." My name in his mouth sounded smooth as silk. "Why were you late Louis?"

"Um, my alarm failed to wake me up...then, uh the traffic was gruesome."

"I see." He turned on his heels and sauntered over to a table with white cloth on it. "Come." He ordered softly. I took a breath and moved toward him.

"Because the class is over, I put the dummy that we were using away, however you still need to learn your lesson." That sounded a little suggestive. He suddenly slid off his white Doctor's coat and laid it on a chair, then he gathered his giraffe limbs onto he table and lay flat on his back, his feet dangling off a bit. "So you're just going to have to use me instead." Now I was sure he was trying to be suggestive. I hoped he didn't notice my breathing had picked up. "Have you ever preformed CPR Louis?"

"O-once or twice?" I lied. What kind of medical student doesn't know CPR? Shit, I really needed this class.

"Okay, so first listen to my heart in my chest." I hesitantly laid my head on his chest and listened to his steady heartbeat. He smelled like peppermint and roses. I thanked god that he wasn't the one listening to mine, for it was going too embarrassingly fast. "Next, I want you to unbutton my shirt, so I can breathe easier." Breathe Louis. I tried my best to keep my shaky fingers still as I unbuttoned his baby blue shirt. As I began to unbutton, tattoos appeared. The more I unbuttoned, the more tattoos showed. It was like I was reveling his stories one by one. First, I laid eyes upon two dates, 1957 and 1989. Then the letter A and the other shoulder had a G. Next I saw 17BLACK and then two swallow under his collar bones. I was so entranced by them, I wanted to know each story behind them. He didn't tell me how for to unbutton his shirt so I just went for it. As I continued to unbutton, I was met with a giant butterfly/moth? The more I revealed about him, the less I became shaky and uncertain, and more comfortable; he had such a calming effect about him.  I reached the final buttons and saw a fern branch on either hip. I gave a small smile and looked back up to his eyes. "Are you good?" I just nodded, not trusting my voice.I gazed at his toned chest once more. Taking in all of the black ink and his...four nipples? It was when my eyes trailed lower and I noticed how his faint happy trail went down to his too-tight-for-a-doctor black, skinny jeans, that my mouth began to go dry. "Louis?"

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