01 (YAOI)

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Hayate Ayasaki (Seme)
Y/N Aizawa (Uke)

8:30 a.m.


A young man wearing his usual white shirt and black trousers along with an apron having the logo of the bakery printed on it, was standing behind the counter sighing tiredly for the who-knows how long.

Hayate :
*This is pathetic...i have to confess to him soon...but i dont know how to approach him...*

Saying this the young man focused his gaze on the corner most table near the shop window. A group of three high school students sat there. One of them was a girl with big hazel eyes and light pink hair wearing the typical high school uniform along with a bright smile. Next was a boy with deep brown hair wearing the same kind of uniform like the girl with the exception of trousers instead of skirt and was happily sipping the cold cappuccino while listening to the ongoing conversation between his two friends.

And now lastly...another boy with silky black hair and deep blue eyes was sitting on the left side of the table talking in a polite manner to the girl sitting across from him.

Hayate :

The guy behind the counter blushed deeply seeing the second boy in the trio group. The reason for his such reaction is because of their very first meeting inside this bakery only.

*2 weeks ago...*

It was raining heavily in the afternoon and showed no signs of slowing down soon. The bakery was almost empty because of this, therefore Hayate decided to close the bakery a little earlier to sit back and relax for a day. But his senior co-worker Ayano told him to keep it opened like usual time as they do not know when does a customer might arrive. And seeing there shop would be the only open one in this heavy downpour, they might get a good amount of customers.

Hayate frowned listening to her but complied nonetheless.

*30 minutes later*

A young high school student with wet black hair and slightly drenched uniform entered the bakery, panting. He quickly patted the extra water off of him and went towards the counter to order a fresh hot chocolate in order to warm himself up.

When he came in front of the counter, Hayate was busy scrolling on his phone that's why he didn't notice him approaching. The young boy therefore nervously spoke up in order to get his attention.

Y/N :
Umm...excuse me...i want one cup of hot chocolate.

Hayate jerked his head up from his phone on being suddenly talked to. He took in the appearance of the young boy in front of him. He was still slightly drenched in the rainwater but his hair has almost dried up. He was also shivering a little bit due to the coldness on his body...but the thing that caught Hayate's interest was the pale and almost smooth looking skin of the young boy. Hayate also took in his facial features...the boy had beautiful deep blue eyes, plump pink lips which were quivering a little bit due to coldness. Hayate also took in his silky and shining black hair which he unexpectedly had an sudden urge to touch.

Y/N :
Umm...excuse me...my order...

Hearing the boy speak again Hayate immediately broke out from his train of thoughts and blushed on the realization of his weird thoughts about the boy.

𝙊𝙧𝙞𝙜𝙞𝙣𝙖𝙡 𝙈𝙖𝙡𝙚𝙨 𝙓 𝙈𝙖𝙡𝙚 𝙍𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧 𝙊𝙣𝙚𝙨𝙝𝙤𝙩𝙨Where stories live. Discover now