19 (YAOI)

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Eiichi Kinoshita (Seme)
Y/N Sakurai (Uke)
*11:00 a.m.*
Inside the Takahitsu High School...
Y/N and his two friends were going to classroom 2-C on the second floor during lunch time to meet a specific someone.
And Y/N heavily doubted that their plan is going to succeed...
He stopped his two friends, Akio and Harumi just a few steps away from the said classroom and turned his head to see if anyone is near them before looking back at his friends who were slightly confused by being stopped suddenly.
His female friend spoke first.
Harumi :
What's wrong Y/N?

Y/N :
*sighs* Haru chan...i dont think this plan will work.

Harumi :
Eh? Why would you say it like that?

Y/N :
Well...what if she ended up realising our true motive-

Akio :
That won't happen Y/N. Tomomi is crazy...and i mean like a serious type of crazy for you. There's no way she would let go of this chance right?

Y/N :
Yeah but...it doesn't feel right. I don't want to play with her feelings.

Harumi :
You are not playing with anyone Y/N. You and Tomomi are going to date each other like a genuine couple.
She said that with a small smile as she patted her nervous friend on the shoulder a few times in order to assure him. And in return Y/N smiled a little before Akio spoke again.
Akio :
Moreover Y/N don't forget that the new principal is changing our old exam pattern...which means if we want to pass our current grades then we must do it. Plus it's a win-win situation for us...you get to date the popular girl of our school and we get to have the highest scores amongst everyone else.
Y/N sighed deeply hearing him but didn't said anything back as he knew if he want to save himself from the wrath of his parents...then he should make this small plan of their succeed.
Tomomi Kinoshita...the daughter of the current headmaster of a school, the very same school where Y/N and his friends study. They both got transferred here during the start of their new academic year, and in just 3 months only, the new principal made a lot of changes in the school system, many of which were stricter than before.
So when the news that he will also change the ongoing exam pattern came out, it was not that surprising...but it was definitely nerve-racking. None of the students have any ideas about the new exam pattern...nor did the teachers also gave them any hint...most probably told by the headmaster himself to keep quit about the matter.
Y/N was not the brightest kid for his age as mentioned before but he had a decent idea for why the headmaster was doing this bizarre change in the school's education system...to check the IQ and capabilities of each student and then place them in new classroom graded by their scores. Ugh! How much Y/N hated this man to end their peaceful days of schoollife like this...
So not so long story short...Akio and Harumi came up with this plan...well mostly Akio...that they will set up Y/N with the principal's daughter and then Y/N will get close to her and try to extract information from her regarding the new examination pattern. And the reason for this was because...in the 2-3 months Tomomi got here, both Harumi and Akio saw her looking at Y/N from a distance and also trying to sit with them in the cafeteria during lunch break when she had her own group of friends waiting for her.
Even though Tomomi and their classrooms were different yet somehow the new girl managed to get herself be attracted to their quiet and slightly shy friend...which in the end ended up benefitting them.
But Y/N was sceptical of their whole claim in the beginning...i mean he was neither an academically good nor an athletic student...nor did he was very good-looking with a flawless personality, so why would a talented girl like Tomomi, who was always confident and bold in her speech and also held an unmatched beauty to her enviable body would fall for him?
Though they do say that opposites attract...and it looks like in this case also something similar happened. As when one day Harumi was passing by the empty classrooms to the staffroom to deliver some homework notebooks, she heard the voices of two people talking inside. At first she couldn't recognise it but when one of the voices inside said Y/N's name, she immediately stopped in her tracks and quickly attached her ear to the door to listen.
??? :
Are you serious Tomomi? Y/N? I mean he is cute...but there are better options you know?

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