10 (GAY)

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Patrick Jones (Top)
Y/N Watson (Bottom)

6:30 p.m.

Inside the hallways of the Holy Trinity Church.

Four teenagers, which included one girl and three boys were walking leisurely through the hallways of the famous and well respected church...after being done with their mission for the day.

The mission being capturing any pure blood or hybrid vampire that has gone on a berserk state of killing innocent humans without showing any mercy.

They were called as vampire hunters...and they were supposed to keep their identity hidden while trying to figure out a way to deal with the ongoing killing in such a manner that it does not draws attention.

Amy :
Oh come on Rio...you know I killed more vampires than you!

Rio :
*playfully scoffs* Yeah right. When that crazy dude jumped from the tree branch...and landed straight in front of you...you screamed so hard that it was sure to even deaf the poor guy.

Amy :
*glares* I was not screaming okay! I-its just that seeing him suddenly in front of me...kind of threw me off.

Rio :
Mm hmm.

The boy named Rio turned in his best friend, Y/N's direction and asked him in a carefree way.

Rio :
What do you think Y/N?

All three of them turned their attention to the said boy and he kind of flinched under their intense staring.

Y/N :

Rio :
Do you think Amy is right? That she was not scared?

Amy :
I told you I was not! Why do you keep repeating it?

Rio :

Y/N :
Umm....i think s-she is right. That vampire...was quite fast.

Amy just lightly rolled her eyes at his answer before answering in a obvious tone.

Amy :
See! Told you Rio.

Rio just gave a nonchalant shrug of his shoulders and lightly tapped his boyfriend...Gavin's shoulder, who was walking silently up till now with them and he looked in his direction with a blank stare.

Rio :
Let's go to my room Gavin. I think I can use a good rest time after all that following our prey and killing.

Gavin just gave a small nod at his request and without saying anything else, Rio took his hand in his and started moving towards his room when they reached a certain intersection in the hallways.

When they were only a short distance away from both Amy and Y/N, then Amy called out to them and said-

Amy :
Make sure to not be loud like last time! Just because Father Angelo approves of your relationship...doesnt mean you have to make everyone in this place listen to your love making!

Rio turned around to face her and gave a playful smirk in return of her comment before replying in a teasing manner.

Rio :
You don't have to be jealous sis...just because you didn't got a guy like my Gavin!

𝙊𝙧𝙞𝙜𝙞𝙣𝙖𝙡 𝙈𝙖𝙡𝙚𝙨 𝙓 𝙈𝙖𝙡𝙚 𝙍𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧 𝙊𝙣𝙚𝙨𝙝𝙤𝙩𝙨Where stories live. Discover now