05 (YAOI)

6K 56 52

Daichi Ogawa (Seme)
Y/N Iwasaki (Uke)

6:30 p.m.

Sunday evening...

Y/N, his boyfriend Daichi and their two other best friends Hibiki and Karen were standing outside the rumored haunted mansion in the outskirts of Misami City. They were here at this late of an hour to check whether all those rumored gossip about the so-called Ibe mansion's haunting is true or not.

And Y/N certainly didn't thought this was a good idea...

He first heard about it from Daichi, his boyfriend only when he went to his home last Sunday to hang out as his parents were going to be out for late that day.

1 week ago...at Daichi's home.

1:00 p.m.

Y/N and Daichi were sprawled out on the comfortable soft couch in the living room and watching a detective series being played in the T.V. While Y/N was busy scrolling through his social media randomly on phone, Daichi without taking his eyes away from the T.V. screen asked him something.

Daichi :
Hey Y/N? Have you heard about the mysterious Ibe mansion?

Y/N furrowed his brows a little bit on hearing the unfamiliar name before shaking his head in denial.

Y/N :
No...i dont think so. What about it though?

Daichi :
Well...a lot of people say that the mansion is haunted and some locals have reported of seeing actual ghosts there too.

At the mention of 'ghosts', Y/N flinched a little and quickly hid it with a small clearing of throat.

Y/N :

Daichi :
So...i was thinking how about we go and check it out ourselves this coming Sunday?

Y/N breath hitched hearing this and just for confirmation he asked his boyfriend once again.

Y/N :
Umm...do you mean you and me...g-go there?

Daichi :
Pfft...who else would I be talking about silly. I think this is a great way to kill time on Sunday...and moreover I can prove that those rumors are fake. There is nothing like ghosts in this world. Pretty sure the locals are making this up so that no one buys that beautiful mansion for themselves.

And as Daichi kept on rumbling on and on about his plan to expose the truth, Y/N couldn't help but feel that those rumors are not all fake. After all it's not necessary just because some people doesn't believe it...ghosts are not real. Well atleast for him ghosts are real...and he isn't lying when he says he is afraid of ghosts. Ever since he was small, Y/N has been scared of anything supernatural and other dimensional...which sometimes ended up in him being bullied or teased for at school.

He jumped slightly when he felt a hand on his leg pulling him out of his train of thoughts. Daichi was looking at him with excitement clear in his eyes. Y/N gulped a huge saliva down his mouth before responding in a sad voice.

Y/N :
I am sorry Daichi...but i-i don't think I can go.

Daichi :
*frowns* What?! But why...come on I promise it will be fun.

𝙊𝙧𝙞𝙜𝙞𝙣𝙖𝙡 𝙈𝙖𝙡𝙚𝙨 𝙓 𝙈𝙖𝙡𝙚 𝙍𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧 𝙊𝙣𝙚𝙨𝙝𝙤𝙩𝙨Where stories live. Discover now