13 (YAOI)

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Keiji Watanabe (Seme)
Y/N Aoki (Uke)

*7:30 p.m.*

Keiji, along with his some trusted men was waiting in one of the private lounges at the top floor of the Quintessa Hotel.

They were all currently in Osaka for a business meeting...well more like to confront a traitor among them.

??? :
Please! I am sorry! I-i swear I haven't d-done anything!

The sound of faint screaming can be heard from the outside hallways indicating the arrival of that said traitor. Hearing his voice, Keiji narrowed his eyes a little and blew out a deep frustrated sigh.

Keiji :
*That idiot Saito...how many times do i have to tell him that not to let those bastards have the chance to even speak until and unless they are in front of me.*

Thinking this, he quickly ran his fingers through his jet black hair and straightened his expensive suit jacket. Just then two men in black suits and black sunglasses entered the private area along with the teary eyed man, who was mumbling the same words over and over again as the trio advanced towards where Keiji was currently sitting accompanied by some of his loyal employees.

Both the men in black suits made that guy sit across from Keiji on a leather couch and then they themselves went to stand behind him so that they can keep a close eye on his actions.

Keiji sat with his legs crossed on the leather couch while one of his arm went behind the couch in a leisure manner and the other one was placed on his lap. He kept on silently observing the trembling man whom he was going to kill for sure today.

After a minute or so when the said man was not willing to talk and keep on looking at the ground, Keiji decided to break the silence with a stern voice.

Keiji :
You very well know Tenjin...that by keeping your mouth close you are only digging your grave faster-

Tenjin :
No please! T-trust me Keiji! I-i didn't leaked any information to them! Someone...someone is trying to frame me! Please believe me!

The said man Tenjin has again started bawling his eyes out as he pleaded innocence. But Keiji on the other hand just looked at him blankly as he suddenly threw an envelope on the table.

Keiji :
I have proof against you Tenjin.

Hearing that, Tenjin abruptly looked with wide eyes at Keiji before his gaze landed on the said evidence on the table. He quickly picked it up and took out the contents. And the moment he saw it carefully, all the colour left his face as he gulped loudly.

It was several photos of two guys meeting somewhere and exchanging something suspiciously...and one of the man was Tenjin.

He kept on flipping repeatedly through the pictures, his heartbeat increasing with each passing second as he scanned the pictures taken of him...probably in secret.

Keiji :
So...got anything to say before I shoot you in the brain?

Tenjin :
K-keiji...Keiji please...i think...s-someone is trying to mislead you with these pictures.

A loud laughter echoed throughout the otherwise silent lounge as the man named Tenjin can only hold his breath in fear and anxiety. Keiji kept on laughing for a good amount of time until he quiet down suddenly and with a burning stare immediately stood up as he paced menacingly towards Tenjin.

Tenjin gasped in fear and tried to move but due to the powerful and dangerous aura that Keiji was emitting, his legs were frozen in place unable to move. And before he can think of something else, Keiji had his gun pressed on Tenjin's temple as he whispered in a low voice to him.

𝙊𝙧𝙞𝙜𝙞𝙣𝙖𝙡 𝙈𝙖𝙡𝙚𝙨 𝙓 𝙈𝙖𝙡𝙚 𝙍𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧 𝙊𝙣𝙚𝙨𝙝𝙤𝙩𝙨Where stories live. Discover now