18 (GAY)

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Leon O'Dell (Top)
Y/N Ortiz (Bottom)
In the silence of the night, the Kingdom of Edora was sleeping peacefully after a hard day of working in the fields and the markets. The soft sound of whistles from the thrush can be heard in the distance as it sang different tunes of melody to the sleeping citizens. Besides the singing bird, only the night guards that roamed the quiet cobblestone paths of the city were awake along with the palace knights...who were always ready to protect their king and his family from any danger.
A gentle breeze was blowing that time, relieving the guards who were doing their night duty from the slight tiredness and heat of the incoming summer.
And....even though it seemed that the entire kingdom except for them was fast asleep...it was not certainly true.
Y/N :
*moans* L-leon~

Leon :
*pants* Y/N...
Inside the bedroom of the next in line heir and the only child of the current king...a.k.a. Prince Leon of Kingdom of Edora...the sound of small moans and groans could be heard. Prince Leon and his lover...the boy of a local merchant were spending some quality time together, basking in each other's warmth.
The prince and the boy had known each other since a very young age as the said boy's father used to visit the king's court from time to time for various reasons like fixing of taxation policy, reforms in the current prices of goods and ways to increase their export more.
While the two parties used to argue a lot during the meeting, a young Leon and Y/N would spend that time in the large garden behind the castle, playing hide and seek and treasure hunting all the time. Both of them used to have a lot of fun as Leon greatly adored Y/N for his simple yet adventurous spirit. And even though Prince Leon's father didn't liked the fact that his only son was spending a lot of time playing with the lower class boy instead of studying and preparing for his duties as the future king, a young Leon has always got his eyes for the ever smiling and pure hearted Y/N only.
After getting fed up with his son's behaviour, the king ordered the boy's father to never bring him with him again as a way to stop them from interacting, leaving the merchant slightly confused, but the man didn't dared say anything against the king. This continued for sometime...until one day Leon couldn't take it anymore. He has always tried to excel in his studies and swordsmanship...and even took part in those boring meetings about the political situations of the kingdom, just in order to make his father happy.
Leon was also not very demanding and picky as he was content in what he got and always...always respected all the members of his family including the ministers of the court. But in return what his father gave him...taking away the only person from his life for whom Leon felt...different. The young prince was still not sure what his feelings for the merchant's son were...but one thing was sure...and that was he always wanted Y/N to be by his side. No matter what.
Therefore, one night after everyone was asleep and only the occasional soft sound of the footsteps from the patrolling knights could be heard, Leon secretly snuck out of his bedroom window through the help of a rope and then quietly moved some empty boxes of wood near the castle wall before using those as a stair to jump over the other side of the wall.
By the time Leon reached Y/N's house, no guards could be seen there, indicating that they probably moved somewhere else since Edora was a huge kingdom. Sallowing a small gulp of air, Leon quietly made his way to the back of the house and saw the dim lighting on one of the windows. He immediately thought that as Y/N's room because the boy once told him that he liked to stay up late reading books.
Leon quickly looked around for some ladder before finding one near a bakery and quietly brought that beside the window before immediately climbing it up.
A young Y/N that time was absentmindedly reading a book about different flowers given to him by his grandmother on his bed, when a small knock on his window startled him. He jumped around in both surprise and fear before quickly blowing out a small sigh of relief on seeing his friend's face. He quickly went to unlock it before inviting the prince inside.
Young Y/N :
What are you doing here at this time?

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