02 (GAY)

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Characters :
Dominic Jones (Top)
Y/N Martin (Bottom)

7:30 p.m.

Near the amusement park entrance gate...

The lights coming from inside the park made the place look even more magical by the onlookers and it also illuminated the faces of three friends who were standing on the sidewalk near the amusement park...meeting after such a long time.

Y/N :
Thanks for today Kevin. I really enjoyed myself a lot.

Kevin :
No problem N/N (Nickname). I and Olivia also wanted to hang out with you for such a long time too.

Olivia :
Yeah it's such a shame that Dominic doesn't let you hang out with Kevin much. Any solid reason?

At his friend Olivia's question, Y/N can only give out a long and tired sigh. Both Olivia and Kevin looked at each other in concern before turning their heads towards their best friend.

Y/N :
Dominic...he...he doesn't trust Kevin much.

Olivia :
*frowns* What do you mean?

Y/N :
That means he thinks...i and K-kevin are more than just friends.

At this confession Kevin had his eyes widened slightly before he narrowed his eyes in disappointment at him.

Kevin :
Come on Y/N...how long has it been since you have introduced me to your boyfriend?

Y/N :
...5 years.

Kevin :
Right...and even in those 5 years he still doesn't trust me enough...to know that i love you only like a friend and nothing more. Besides me telling him that Olivia and i are dating.

Y/N :
I am sorry Kevin-

Olivia :
Why are you apologising Y/N? Dominic should be the one to say that.

Kevin :
Exactly. It hurts me to know that because of his extreme doubting nature I can't even spend time with my childhood friend. *sighs* C-can't i even hang out with you anymore?

Y/N :
O-of course you can Kevin...i myself don't know what's causing Dominic to be like this?

Saying that all three of them stayed in complete silence for sometime...not knowing what to say to ease the tense situation. Until Olivia placed a comforting hand on Y/N's shoulder and gave him a warm smile to calm him down.

Olivia :
Don't worry too much Y/N...i am sure Dominic is just kind of jealous...because of your closeness with Kevin.

Kevin :
*frowns* That's ridiculous Olivia. I and N/N are friends from elementary school...of course we will be close.

Olivia :
Yeah...but...sometimes these small stuff may lead to situations like these in relationship.

Y/N :

Kevin :
*scoffs* I don't know about you Olivia...but that guy need some serious therapy done to him...i can't just sit around and do nothing...while he wrongly accuses me of something this pathetic...as if I don't have a great girlfriend already. No offence to you Y/N...you are a great guy...but I have no intention of stealing you away from your overly possessive boyfriend. Make this clear to him please.

Saying this Kevin silently went towards his car parked on the other side of the amusement park and went inside it starting the engine. He was followed by a guilty looking Y/N and a concerned Olivia...who sat on the passenger seat while the said boy sat on the backseat.

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