17 (YAOI)

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Hotaru Imai (Seme)
Y/N Fujihara (Uke)
*11:00 a.m.*
Inside the school library...during lunch break.
Y/N was breathing heavily as he was cornered against the wall at the very back of the silent area. His whole face was flushed and his deep blue eyes were wide open as he stared right in the smirking face of none other than his classmate Hotaru...well the otherwise quiet Hotaru.
Y/N thought it was very unusual of Hotaru to be cornering someone against the wall like this...but then again he never knew anything much about him to know his true self. He simply asked Hotaru to come here for a fake study session...so that he can confess his feelings to him...yes, Y/N had a HUGE crush on Hotaru and he wasn't sure if Hotaru was even into boys...but seeing how Hotaru never dated a girl...Y/N saw just a tiny glimpse of hope that he maybe be into liking boys...yet...the last thing he expected was Hotaru pushing him against the wall like that and smirking at him seductively.
The two most probable things he imagined Hotaru doing after hearing his confession was either be completely disgusted with the idea of dating another boy and reject him rudely or...just say a simple 'sorry...but i don't want to date anyone right now' kind of thing to him and leave silently...BUT...DEFINITELY NOT THIS!
Y/N gulped lowly and tried to create some distance between them by pushing Hotaru back with his hands, but it seems like the slightly taller boy had no intentions of budging from there.
His smirk simply got wider as he placed his lips near Y/N's left ear and whispered in a low, deep voice.
Hotaru :
Why are you pushing me back Y/N kun? Didn't you liked me?

Y/N :
Y/N badly wanted to say 'yes' more than anything but just seeing this sudden not-so-quiet side of his crush and hearing the smooth yet deep voice of his, all drove Y/N unable to speak like normal.
He just slowly turned his face in other direction so that Hotaru couldn't see his deeply blushing face.
They stayed like that in that position for a few minutes, the occasional hot breaths of Hotaru gently tickling the skin of Y/N's neck as he struggled to keep himself calm...until the sound of the librarian pulled them apart.
Miss Kasumi :
Boys! I am leaving the library for some meeting with the principal...if any student comes here tell them I will be back after the 7th period okay?

Y/N :
After that the librarian Miss Kasumi went outside to meet the principal, leaving the two boys staring at her blankly. When they both came back to reality, Hotaru just gave out a small sigh as he started gathering his books from the table near them. And when he finally did it, he turned around to face Y/N, who was already gazing at him and quickly once again turned his face other way around out of embarrassment.
Hotaru just gave a light chuckle before walking up to him and standing right in front of him.
Hotaru :
If you don't even look at me in the eyes how can i give my answer to you?
Y/N flinched a little...he was right though, if he had the courage to confess to him, then he should also have it to hear his answer. Therefore, taking a small inhale of air he slowly turned his face to look at Hotaru's face, who was staring at him with a soft smile on his face. Y/N once again blushed seeing the rare display of emotion on his face and before he could get lost staring at it, Hotaru spoke to him in his usual quiet voice.
Hotaru :
I will go on a date with you.
Y/N heart started beating loudly in his chest as he struggled to process whether what he said was true or not. And when the words finally sink in his mind, a huge smile plastered itself on his face as he without any hesitation quickly wrapped his arms behind Hotaru's neck and gave him a tight hug.
Hotaru on the other hand...for the first time ever in his life blushed. No, I am serious...the sudden action from Y/N had his heart beating fast too as the warmth radiating from him somehow filled him with a sense of happiness. He slowly brought his arms behind Y/N's smaller waist and hugged him back.
Thankfully, no one came inside the library beside them after Miss Kasumi left, therefore they didn't had to worry about anyone catching them like this. But when the bell rang, they both reluctantly pulled apart from the hug and smiled brightly as they stared in each other's eyes.
Hotaru :
How about tomorrow? It is Saturday and we have no classes for it.

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