15 (YAOI)

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Ryuusei Matsumoto (Seme)
Y/N Hayashi (Uke)
*8:15 a.m.*
Inside the Matsumoto mansion...
Y/N :
A young college boy who goes by the name of Hayashi Y/N is currently busy arranging the papers of his assignment in a correct order, which he had to submit today.
He sighed once again when he placed all the papers in a ordered sequence inside the file and looked towards the clock on his study desk, to see that there is only 5 minutes left until his leaving time.
He carefully put the file inside his bag and after zipping it close, quickly slung it over his shoulder as he started to make his way out of his room.
Just then...
Ryuusei :
Hey! Morning Y/N~
His master's son appeared cheerily inside his room as he greeted him in his usual charming voice.
Oh...and you must be wondering why master's son right?
Well...that must be because Y/N's father, that is Late Mr. Hayashi san was a loyal servant to the current head of Matsumoto family...and urm by servant please dont think him to be some kind of butler or anything. Mr. Hayashi was like a personal assistant to Akio Matsumoto, and helped him schedule his daily planning along with business related matters by doing a deep research on the company with which the Matsumoto was going to collaborate with.
He has also many a times consulted Mr. Matsumoto in the past regarding business strategies to help his empire grow more efficiently.
So all in all, Hayashi played an important role to make the Matsumoto reach this stage of their success. But i am sure that there is one more question so as to why the Hayashi's refer to Matsumoto's as master and not boss or sir...well the answer is simple for that too.
The Matsumoto family has a long traditional background, whose roots started from a very renowned samurai clan. And since those people held a very important place in the emperor's court...the descendants of them are still to this date are referred to as master only. Or more likely...the descendants wanted to continue that...
But whatever the reason! You see even though Mr. Hayashi was a mere employee of him, he was never once disrespected inside this family. Thus this small factor turned him into being life long loyal to the Matsumoto's. And he and Akio Matsumoto become very close friends too...such that the latter started inviting him and his son (Y/N's mother died during his birth) to all the important and joyous events of their household.
And the same goes for Y/N and Ryuusei also...the sons of the respective men. Unlike their fathers, Ryuusei and Y/N were too young to understand so as to why their families are so close to each other despite their status or why Mr. Hayashi is given such great amount of respect inside the mansion from the other people working there...even when he is merely doing some simple jobs for Matsumoto san like them only.
But they didn't cared much about it, as both the boys were always busy playing games in the large garden behind the mansion or reading different books on poems, fiction or other Japanese literature.
And when Mr. Hayashi died, leaving his 13-year old son behind, Akio Matsumoto did all the funeral procedures of his loyal employee and friend, after which he adopted Y/N officially. But since a grief struck Y/N was still shooked with his father's untimely demise, he decided to call Matsumoto san as 'master' only that he and his father has been calling him since the past years.
Though a little hurt, Matsumoto san understood his feelings quite well as he too had lost a great friend of his and decided to let him be.
And so...years went by...but never for once did Y/N addressed him as father and since Matsumoto san became extra busy with all the new projects that he had, he too couldn't find a single time to spare for him. But he told his wife to look after him so that young Y/N doesn't feel neglected there and his wife knowing his concern for him, without any hesitation agreed to it. But she only talked to him once or twice in a day whenever she was free or when both the boys were together since she knew bugging him often in a day might annoy him.
And so...here they both are...Y/N and Ryuusei raised together in the same household...who are now mature and smart grown up men.
And now...
Y/N looked at his grinning face with a quirked eyebrow as a small smile made it's way up his face too.
He greeted Ryuusei in his low gentle voice as he bowed slightly out of habit in front of him. Seeing which, Ryuusei pouted childlishly as he complained to him-
Ryuusei :
Come on Y/N...why do you have to bow everytime you greet me? I don't like it~
Y/N chuckled nervously as he pulled himself straight and shyly scratched his cheek while muttering an apology to him. Groaning a bit, Ryuusei took his hand and pulled both of them out of his room as they made their way outside the mansion. And while they were on their way to the front, a few maids greeted them politely, in response to which Y/N once again bowed in respect whereas his friend Ryuusei merely acknowledged them with a single nod.
Once they were out, a driver came to them and greeted both the young men with a smile.
Mr. Chiba :
Good morning masters. Your car is ready at the gate sir.

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