Chapter 52

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POV ~ Broccoli Boi

Somethings not right... Kaminari hasn't said anything he usually would in the past few days. 

It's Christmas soon and 1-A is picking who gets who for Secret Santa, so far only Kaminari and Yao-Momo have selected and they both seemed pleased with who they got so maybe Yao got one of her close friends? And knowing Denki's tendencies he probably got one of the girls in here since they're the only one's who he can be bothered to get to know. Hagakure's up next and then it's Kirishima and so on and so forth. It's moving fairly slowly but we have Languages next so I can revise the test while I wait.

Around 2 weeks later

I forgot! I forgot, I forgot, I forgot! Who did I get for Secret Santa again? Kaminari! Aghh why him of all people?? What to get him, what to get him, Christmas is tomorrow. Who could I ask for help... Iida? No he wouldn't know a thing... Todoroki? He doesn't know much about people... Kirishima? He might know something... 

"Kiri! Hey Kiri! Hey, I'm glad I was able to catch up to you."

"Yo, what's up?"

"Okay, so, Secret Santa tomorrow? What could I get Kaminari?"

"Yikes, you got unlucky with him. Hmm if I had to choose I'd say something like hen- an nice chocolate. Yea some food or something like that! haha haa..."

"Food? I mean that seems like a safe bet, thanks Kiri!"

"Damn that was close. Ugh yea I'll see you later. Bye."

After Kiri's advise I rush of to the nearest store which wasn't too far away. I obviously head to the sweets section where there was plenty to choose from, I stash some of it in the bag and head to the counter where I hear two familiar voices in front of me. I wonder where I know them from.

Ah well, before I was able to talk to them they payed and left.


Bang. Crash. Scream.

What's that, Yawn, oh yea it's Christmas. Wait is someone hurt?

"Welp I guess I'll go downstairs." "Good morning... What's going on here?"

"This f*cking bastard thought it would be funny to get Yaoyarozu this!"

"Hold up you shouldn't show people that!" Wait what's Kiri trying to stop him from showing? Well it's him so I don't think I want to know...

"Oh come on it's was just a prank guys!" Why does he even bother defending himself at this point?

"Why are you all so bothered over my present? It's for me and the fashion in here is... would be interesting to recreate?"

"Listen Yao-Momo I know you feel a responsibility for all of us but really you don't have to be friendly to him, his actions are irredeemable one way or another so please, don't force yourself." Thank you Iida, finally someone's helping her see truth.

"I don't need your help choosing who I befriend, I think I know right from wrong at my age."

"Alright then, just know when you see sense, we will still be waiting for you, as your friends-"

"Thank you, however I doubt I will need to take you up on that, kind, offer."

"Aww are you two fighting over lil old me?~"

"Shut it Dunce Face!"

"Yikes calm down. I'm leaving now..."

Well that's one way to bring a downer on Christmas... Christmas! Secret Santa! Where is he? He must of gone upstairs already, I'm sure I can give it to him later.

"Hey Midoriya, over here!" Ochaco, "There's space next to me! We were just opening the presents, who's that for?"

"Unfortunately, the one who just left."

"Oh that's a bummer, well if he doesn't appreciate your present I'll happily take it of your hands."

"Hehe, thanks Ochaco."

It's been a few hours and everyone's gone to their rooms, would now be a good time to give the present? May as well.

I start to wander down the corridors, hold up which floor was Kamiari's dorm on again.

"No, no. Stop! Dammit Kaminari you went on without me again." Wait wasn't that Momo? In Kaminari's room?? But she can handle herself. I doubt she's in trouble and I'm going in there anyway I can check it out

"Kaminari, you in there?" I knock on the door to make sure he heard me.

"F*ck, sh*t, hide." I don't think I was supposed to hear that... "Who is it?"

"Hey Kaminari, It's Midoriya. Can I come in?" 

No answer?


"Yea one second!" What was he doing that could take him this long to tidy up?

Finally he opens the door, "Yo, what's up!"

"Hi, um I came to give you this? And maybe we could study together?"

"Thanks? I assume you were my Secret Santa?"

"That's me! So can I come in?"

"Wha- Oh studying? Umm sorry, I'm busy?"

"That's fine, do you need help with anything?"

"Do you know how to beat the beginning dragon?"

"Of course I do? I've played Blockcraft since I was a kid?"

"Oh um, that was rhetorical... But sure why not come on in, if you're not scared about what you'll find.~"

"Oh course not this is just your bedroom right? Then it should be fine."

"Woow you are dense!"

"Oh stop being so mean, hurry up I'm about to die!" Yao-Momo?

"Okay fine, come in Midoriya. You two know each other, I trust you'll tell no-one about the fact Yao comes to my room from time to time?"

"Why, is it a secret?"

"Of course it is, people are dumb enough to think I'm a total perv so imagine how they'd react if they know I hung out with a high member of society"

"Yes I see how that could be a- Wait act?? Why would you want people to hate you on purpose?"

"Meh, draws less attention to me, but she saw through my act soo, I trust her, and she trusts you so I can't go against her." He shrugs his shoulders and goes to sit on a beanbag next to Yao-Momo. "Yo you wouldn't mind shutting the door either on your way out or in, I've got a third remote if you wanna help?"

"I- um... sure?" What is happening. I thought he was... but he and Yao-Momo... I'm lost. "I'm so confused"

"Alright come sit down I'll explain what's happening." Thank you Yao-Momo.

So that's what she did, she explained everything from how she had fallen into his trap at first as well, then the USJ when she figured it out, to trying to convince others of his innocence - and failing -, she also told me of the confrontation at which they came to the agreement of seeing each other once once a week unless Yao-Momo felt like seeing Kaminari more often, like today. It makes sense now so Kaminari acts this way to stay away from people and Yao is the exception, why? Oh she said that too. 

"Thank you, so d'ya wanna play?"


We stayed in his room for the rest of the night, we started to build up the server and after what seemed like ten minutes (it was 4 hours...), I was invited around in two days time and we even exchanged contact info. Finally, me and Yao left after making sure no-one else was outside, I have to say this was definitely the best Christmas I've had in a while, well not that there's much comparison. 

Heyy, I hope you've all had the best winter holidays and if another chapter isn't out then I wish you a happy new year

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