Chapter 2

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POV ~ 50/50 Buff man (All might)

I could hear someone coming closer, I was expecting it to be a doctor or nurse so I was shocked when Aizawa showed up along with Tsukauchi,
"Ah hello there friends, may I ask what your doing here?"
"We're here on official police duty. I heard the boy woke up so I would like to ask him a few questions." Tsukauchi said in his official voice "Aizawa would you mind briefing All Might on the ah ... Situation?"
"Of course not, just make sure not to go to hard on him he has only just woke up after all." After Aizawa said this we were both in shock 1) Shota  has never cared for anyone other then Hizashi and his cat and 2) He just agreed to do something Tsukauchi asked without being bribed or whined at for a minute or so.
"Ah so you have a soft spot for the kid as well I see?"
"Unfortunately, yes I do. I'm not sure what it is about him but I just want to protect him from all dangers that ever come his way." (AN: In a fatherly sense of couse) "Okay it looks like I'm stuck giving you the briefing so..." This is bound to be fun 😑.


POV ~ Portable Lie Detector

"Hey there kid my name's Detective Tsukauchi, but you can call me Naomasa, if you want that is." Odd I had no reaction perhaps he's deaf or emotionless or perhaps another villain. Ugh if only I knew the things he'd been through, " I'm going to ask you a few questions, if that's fine can you please nod your head or say okay?" He slowly nods his head. That's good he can hear me, "Okay first what's your name"
"I-Izuku Midoriya, I think" Wait he thinks doesn't he know his own name
"Okay then do you know how old you are?" He shakes his head, this child is breaking my heart, "Hm Okay then do you know what your quirk or quirks are?"
After awhile he spoke up "I-I was born qu-quirkless but this man with a-a weird f-face said he gave me a quirk called devil." Man with a weird face huh and he gave him a quirk it couldn't possibly be all for one there's no  way he could've survived with those injuries, right? The kid also said something about his quirk being called Devil. Isn't that the quirk the villain Satan used in that attack ten years ago the aura he emitted was so terrifying no-one could move until he finally got out of range. Suddenly Izuku started talking again snapping me out of my thoughts, "He said it allows me to have d-devil-like wings, horns and a tail. The qu-quirk also makes me faster and when I h-have all three features out it emits a-a aura that could terrify anyone ... o-or so I've heard at l-least, he n-never allowed me to use my quirks, said that I w-was just storing them f-for a Nomu. I'm not entirely sure what a 'N-Nomu' is though I'm sorry."Nomu? I'm going to have to get a police squad to look into that because from the sounds of this it seems like this Mastermind is giving people multiple quirks its a miracle this quirkless child was able to handle one without going insane, how on earth is he managing to sustain two quirks inside that body of his? I only know nine people in history who can home multiple quirks and eight of those could only do it thanks to one for all. The ninth is all for one but he doesn't really store them it's his quirk that does all the work. (A.N UwU I didn't even mean to make it rhyme )One things for sure this is no ordinary boy and I need to ensure his safety, hm I wonder if Aizawa's looking for a child... Wait no this is an interrogation what was the next question? I quickly look back at the questions and see that the next question is..

"Um, well do you have any other quirks?"

"Yes angel it's similar to devil in the sense I get wings and an over powering aura but instead of horns I have a halo and I don't have a tail. I also have some healing properties even without the wings and halo but if I want to heal myself then I will need them both out. Also the a-aura that angel emits is happy meaning I can make my allies stronger and if I could somehow have h-half angel and half devil then I could m-make my enemy's weak in f-fear. I-I think those are the only quirks I g-got." Interesting ...

"And what do you want to be when you grow up?" Well this should be interesting.
"A Hero! I definitely want to become  a hero they are so awesome and cool and . Oh look here a have a notebook about them it includes strengths weaknesses and different ways they could use there quirks." Whilst he was saying these things I stared at him in awe no one I had ever met could mumble half as fast as me and there this kid was making rational conclusions whilst talking at a speed that I can only just understand.  "If I were to do a notebook on villains would that be helpful, because on one hand I could discover there weaknesses and report it back to the police but I'm not that interested in villains so it may  it be as good as..." As I was reading the notebook he passed to me - Which was really shocking for him to get all of these notes whilst being in the LOV - He said the weirdest thing, "Oh I'm so s-sorry I didn't m-mean to start m-mumbling like t-that." He was apologising but why? After he said those he slowly lowered his head as if expecting someone to hit him.
"Hey, don't worry it's ok, I'm not going to hurt you." I said this in the most calming voice I could and he slowly lifted his head back up and I can see tears in his eyes, all I want to do is go over there and give him a hug, "It's fine. Are you okay to answer some questions about what happened to you?"
"Y-yes that should be fine."
" Alright then can you tell me..."

POV ~ 50/50 Buff Man (All Might)

Shota's been staring at the window with an intense glazed face, that is somehow terrifying me, for around five minutes now. When I finally build up the courage, I ask him,"So, Aizawa you seem awfully quiet is everything alright?"
"Have you ever seen someone plan a fellony out load and in public?" That explains it.
"What are you going to do Aizawa?"
"I'm going to find the LOV and bring them to justice." Hm bringing the LOV to justice he may need a strong man's help in case of emergency and I am also hoping avenge this young boy so I tell him, "Your going to need a strong man Aizawa, someone you can trust and rely on to watch your back. So may I assist you in this scheme of yours?" He clearly thinks about it for what seems like an eternity until he finally tells me,
"Your right if you can bring me a large dog muzzle and a coffee you can meet me at **** Tonight got it?"
"Okay... What's the dog muzzle for?"
"Mics too loud in a morning and I think that would be a good solution." Shota then shrugged his shoulders as if this was something  normal and started to walk down the corridor. He almost got to the end but then Tsukauchi came running up behind him whispered something in his ear. I couldn't hear any of Tsukauchi's whispers but i manged to hear some of what Aizawa and him spoke about after, I think it went something along the lines of:

"Thank you Tsukauchi, you have been a good friend over the years. Oh and make sure to thank all Might for me, the last thing I want is to thank that buffoon but I guess he deserves it after all he is the symbol of peace and without him our jobs would be a whole lot harder." Wait is he praising me? Who is this man? Is this Toga? If so how did she get Aizawa's blood?

"Ain't that the truth ... Wait did you just thank me and praise All Might?!" Tsukauchi immedeatly grabs his hands and restrains him, "Who are you and what have you done with Shota?"

After Tsukauchi did this Aizawa instantly broke free and put some distance between the two "Really I'm kind once and this is what you do? Anyway I didn't finish, I was going to tell you to, don't mention it otherwise I would never speak to you again and also I can pull up information on you that you never know you had because a simple show of my emotions. The press would be all over that and what's the point in being an underground hero of I'm on the news? Oh and I am Aizawa I just thought I would be nice for once." he said in a very spiteful tone. Tsukauchi just stood there with a mix ox guilt and shock on his face before he walked over to me and explained what happened...

(A.N Hi this is the second part of my first story I would like to say thank @Pantone_518 and  @Mae-chan13 for all your amazing support on this story so I definitely recommend checking out their accounts - There is some amazing fan fics and not just MHA/ BNHA and I would also like to thank all of you for reading this and the next chapter will hopefully be up in the next few days. Once again please don't hesitate to point out corrections or if there's anything I can improve on please let me know. Hope you have an amazing day love you all <3)

(Words used 1718)

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