Chapter 20

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POV ~ Broccoli Boi

"Well then, let this debate. Begin!" With that out debate began, "I would like to say in my opening statement that you should become my pupil because there is no doubt you are strong, intelligent, brave and not to mention kind-hearted. You could easily become an amazing hero, with the right training, and I believe  I can make you the best! Furthermore you already posses some training thanks to Aizawa and you have a powerful quirk to match. Now it's your turn to counter my statement as well as proving your own arguments." This may be harder then I though...

"Okay I believe I should not become your pupil because, I have never been properly educated meaning you will have to teach me far more then the average student which could lead to multiple more years of school. I do not understand why you have called me brave, all my life I have been a coward and the only reason I am able to talk to you is because I dont want to let Dadzawa down. I know you will say this could be seen as loyalty but actually I just want to prove to my favourite hero he didn't make a mistake when adopting me. I also dont know why you called me kind-hearted because my entire life I have been raised by cruel heartless villains who had fun by beating me, this also shows I am not strong as I couldnt stand up to them and I do not know that many laws. As you already know I was taken at a young age so I do not have good social skills, meaning I would be a lousy hero because I wouldn't be able to help people because of my fears." I think that countered every thing that could be countered? I obviously couldnt deny the fact that Dadzawa trained me and that I have a strong quirk because the boss gave me them.

"Oh my, this is certainly more fun then I imagined!"

(Time skip to after the debate because its basically just the same thing over and over again)

"Hmm okay, Izu. I give up. You have presented great skills and even better arguments, even though you were trying to get me to not want you as my student, I still want you purely because of your drive, brain and similarities to me when I was younger. One day I may tell you that story but not yet. Another reason I forfeit is because you still have two more tests to do and Mei alreay has a two hour head start." Two hours? That isn't that bad, right?

"Okay then... Um could you possibly take me to the support lab?" I plaster - what I hope to be- a sleeping smile onto my face.

"But of course!"

At the Development studio

"Okay Izuku you will have two hours to complete this project of yours and when it turns dark you will be fighting All Might." I nod toward him as he left and walk over to my station. I pull the blueprints out from my bag and start to gather materials. I can see Mei is making some sort of small car with engines - perhaps a flying car?

"So you have gone for some sort of bribe?" I ask and she jumps slightly. "I-I'm so sorry, my name i-is Izuku but you can call me Deku." I hold out my hand hoping she will take it asks thankfully she does.

"I am Mei Hatsume, it is an honour to meet you!"oh no, shes too loud. I need to end this conversation and fast. "Oh I'm sorry I didn't mean to be so loud, I can be quiet if you want Deku." With that she turned around and continued her work.

I swiftly start to piece my project together, from every bit of padding to the shields. After around an hour and a half, I finish the full body suit that is breathable, flexible, extremely warm to create more sweat and it is so protected even I couldn't break it. "Okay,  Almost finished now I just have to make the sweat grenades and pipes."

After another ten minutes I have built it to the best of my ability, so I decide to ask Mei if she needed any help and she happily accepted. We start to work on the car together, every now and then something explodes but none of then cause to much damage so I can fix them easily. "So Izu~ I heard you have a friend named Kacchan, hows it going with him?~"

"W-whatareyoutryingtosayI-Itisntanythinglikethat,Iswear!" I could feel my checks burning up and my hands getting sweaty. I hear a small explosion and I use my hands to cover my face from the embarrassment. (A/N okay so in this Iida and Mei have been best friends since they were young but they both want more then friendship without knowing the other liked then in that way as well.) I decide to take my revenge, as in the last ten minutes me and Mei have become surprisingly close, and ask about her crush, "H-hows it going with Iida?~" she gets really flustered all of a sudden and starts denying everything she said and if I ever tell anyone then she would do something. She spent the next five minutes trying to think of a punishment if I told anyone until finally deciding that she would tell everyone I like Kacchan. I obviously dont want this to happen so I sigh in defeate and say, "fine, you have this one. But the reverse applys as well!"

At this moment Nezu walked into the room to tell us time was up and that I am now going against all Might, I huff slightly before following him to a bus that takes us to ground Omega, which is a wide forest that has a lookout post near the entrance. I spend  a brief period of time up there, analysing the battle area, for hiding spots, open areas and anything else that could be useful for me, before All Might walks through the door saying his signature, "I Am Here!"

A/N thank you for reading the Twentyth part of my first story. I really hope you enjoyed and if there is anything that I haven't yet included please tell me and I will try to include it- as long as it's not smut or too gory. I am sorry the tests weren't that detailed but I think you can already imagine what happens. I will try and have another chapter out in two days time, if not tomorrow. I hope to see you in the comments! Love you <3

Words used 1119

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