Chapter 40

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POV ~ Cackling Tea Genius

I was just minding my own business, drinking tea, doing some paper work, looking at security footage, drinking tea, making tea, thinking up new 'training exercises'. Did I mention drinking tea? But something unusual popped up on the monitor... or should I say it didn't pop up, I was overlooking class 1-A because I would have to collect Izu sometime soon, which I dont mind at all, but he managed to overcome whatever was happening and they all walked into the USJ. However when I looked inside there was no students, the water wasn't flowing and 13 was glitchy, what is going on? I stare over the footage for a few seconds before realizing it was on a loop, so I re-set the cameras and call Power-loader into my office to overlook the footage while I see what's going on.

Once he finally arrived I jumped out of my chair and informed more teachers of the situation, they then got a briefing form Power-loader which I overheard villains were attacking the USJ.

I rushed over there immediately and met Iida along the way, he explained the situation on how Izuku started to act differently as if it wasn't him and attacked his classmates, well tryed to but Uraraka managed to bring him back for a few seconds. "I managed to get out whilst he was turning back into that other person... but. But I left them behind! What kind of class rep am I?! I left them... they could be fighting, injured, unconscious.  They could even be dead! But... I left them to save myself..." Tears started falling from Iidas eyes and he fell to the ground, well its certain to say 'Ingenium' is his brother. They are so alike it's unreal.

A few heros ran past us but I payed them no attention and Iida didn't notice, many of them sent questioning looks but I dismissed them, the mental state of my student is the most important mission for me right now.

I can see why Aizawa calls them problem children, they cant even see when they are helping others. "Young man... you didn't leave to save your self, you left to save them. From what I can tell no one knows what's going on at either side so if you look at it from my perspective, if I saw one 1-A student running away then I would go and check out the situation.  So no matter what happens, you are the one who are helping them and if for one second you doubt any one of their abilities, then we clearly need to have a class meeting because all of them in there are capable of protecting not only themselves, but others around them as well."

"Sensei, you manage to see good in my actions but, how do you know I was trying to do the right thing? I've heard stories of heros bodies moving on there own but that was towards the fight in order to help someone in immediate danger. My classmates need me but I ran instead... how can you be certain my actions weren't done out of my own selfishness..."

A few moments passed before I finally responded, "Around 15 years ago, a boy arrived at this school who was just like you. He had a quirk that boosted his speed and he has a strong urge to help his classmates, and just like you he had a test of sorts against some 'villains', in his case they were fake but at the time he didn't know it. His entire class was surrounded, the teachers at school wasn't responding and they had to rely on themselves alone. During a fight he saw there was no way they could win with their current power and quirks so he ran. He ran at the first chance he got. And, once again like you, he ran into me questioning his motive, he acted exactly like you now and couldnt wrap his head around the fact he had been helping the others and not abandoning then, so I taught him an extremely important lesson. 'If you can help yourself, then you are strong. But if you can admit defeat and call for help when it's needed, then you are stronger'.

"T-thank you, sensei... Did this person turn into a good hero?"

"Yes, infact they turned into an Idol. Your idol."

"My brother? He... He did the same thing as me?"

"Indeed, now shall we had back to UA, I'm confident your classmates will join you soon but until then you may rest in my office. I can see you are exhausted from running."

He stood up and came at me in a 90⁰ angle, "Thank you, yes!" How does the tiredest man in school manage to deal with this over energised group?

I hope the other students are okay...

POV ~ Crusty 🤦‍♂️

Yes, the plan is finally working. The 'Number 1 Hero', the 'Symbol Of Peace' will finally d*e! And All For One can rise once again and I can finally reshape this twisted society! "P-please.. R-run.." A blood curdling screen ran through the building, why does this kid have to fight back!? They both know they get weaker with every switch  right!?

"Stop resisting, you brat! Kill them! That's sure to get All Might's attention." The Broccoli is clearly thinking about what is the best thing to do and how to do it, whilst writhing in agony.

"There is no way I am ever going to be on the losing team..." Good, he has come to his senses. . . "And that's why I won't ever be defeated by some weak brats like you!" Wait, he was thinking of going against me?! I will have him pay for that later, but right now I need him focused on k*lling.

"What should we do, boss?" One of the weaklings asked me.

"One of you has a teleportation quirk right?"


"Well then, separate the class and fight them separately!"

"Where should they go-"


"You heard him! Do it (insert villains name)!"

"On it!" Most of the students get swallowed up into the ground, which starts shaking violently, and end up falling out of the sky in separate areas. Floaty girl, masked octopus, yellow buff guy, Insomniac purple dude, tape dispenser and the alien are still at the entrance. The blonde pomeranian and red hair are at the 'Ruins Zone'. Gloves and half red half white go to 'landslide zone'. Over revealing ponytail, long earlobes and RIP off Pikachu- 'Mountain zone'. Tail and (I personally think) Mr sparkles- 'Conflagration Zone'. Broccoli, a short purple thing and frog in shipwreck. And finally Black bird and what looks like a large rock- 'Storm Zone'. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19, 20. Wait 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19, 20... There was 20 students before if I don't count that purple thing that appeared? Did I kill one already... Wheres the bod- Wait did I disintegrate a child!? And don't even remember!? I should kill another, to get the memories back, ya know.

A/N thank you for reading the fortieth chapter of my first story, I hope you enjoyed! Sorry it took so long to come out, I was unmotivated and really tired so i cant promise to update regularly. If there is anything you want to happen then please let me know!  And if there are any errors please let me know. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask. I hope to see you in the comments, love you <3

Words used 1257

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