Chapter 10

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 POV ~ 50/50 Buff Man 

"All Might, I'm sorry it we have to end the search. It has been a year, there is no sign of him and for all we know he is dead and body burned. Please All Might, make the right choice." 

"If you're fine with letting an innocent boy be all alone wandering the streets then be my guest but I am not giving up on Touya no matter how long it takes . I Will Find Him." I can't believe that they are just going to give up on finding my boy, I thought they cared for him, I thought they understood that he was like a. No he wasn't like a son, he is my son. 

"All Might, you don't really believe he could still be alive, right? If that boy is alive he has either been kidnapped or is now in hiding, if he doesn't want to be found, he won't, and if he has been kidnapped then they have left no trace and are almost impossible to find. Don't forget he was only six and it has been a year, All Might I really an sorry but there's no hope for the boy."

"No your wrong I will find him. I don't care how long it takes I will never stop looking." With that I stormed out but Tsukauchi grabbed my shoulder before I could leave.

"If you are going to continue this case then you will need the files." He then passed me so the files before turning round and telling me, "If you ever need any resources, don't hesitate to ask. I'm sorry I can't do any more then that."

"Thank you Tsukauchi, I almost forgot about these." I say gesturing to the files in my hand, "Do you mind me checking the surveillance cameras downtown? "

"I'll have to get permission first but it should be fine."

End of flashback

"ALL MIGHT!" I slowly look up to Aizawa who seems to have a unnatural amount of concern in his eyes.

"What's wrong?" What happened we were talking and, I got lost in my thoughts. How long have I been thinking for?

"Thank goodness your okay. We have been calling your name for over 5 minutes, you wasn't responding to anything so Aizawa."

"How many times have I told you to call me Shota?"

"Shota poured a bucket of water over you which seems to have snapped you out of it. What were you thinking about?" A bucket of water? But I don't feel wet? Oh my hair is dripping and my clothes are soaked. How did I not notice this?!

"I just had a flashback of T-Touya. The day he went missing, and when you stopped the search..." oh no Aizawa knew nothing of this how is he going to react?

"Your the one who broke of the search?! Why on earth did you not ask me about it first." Oh  no I was hoping Aizawa bever found out about this for Tsukauchi's sake but my big mouth let it slip. "We are going to be talking about this later." I could see Tsukauchi gulp. "Anyway why was you thinking of Touya... Don't tell me that Dabi is Touya , it all makes sense now. His scars the hatred to heros, his mysterious disappearance, which I assume you had something to do with." Ugh why does Aizaw have to be so smart at least Nezu isnt here all they would already know his is, "Your hiding him in your hero agency aren't you?" How did they know?!

All of a sudden Aizawa stood up and left the room, closely followed by Tsukauchi and me. "Where are you going?"

"To get Touya and take him to a defenceless, quirkless Enjl (Endeavour)." Well I cant say that's a half bad idea.

"Okay then I will.hold down Endeavour."

"Not without disguises and a driver you won't." I almost forgot that you can always count on Tsukauchi to do the small background jobs. I nod my head toward them both and they nod back.

All Might is wearing the villain disguise he uses in class Aizawa had wrapped his scarf around his arms so it wont be seen, he is also wearing a cat face mask and all black. Tsukauchi on the other hand is dressed in a grey suit with a black tie, so he looks like a driver with reflective sunglasses and a microphone that covers his mouth and nose because it is so big. He also has a hat on to hide him hair. (A/N I'm not very good at descriptions so just imagine them in whatever disguise you want)

I walk over to the front door of my agency and knock, Nighteye opens it, knows it's me,  because he's seen me in disguise before and hands me Dabi. We get back into the car, which has tinted windows so no one can see us, and drive to the Todoroki household.

"Wait are you taking me back to my Father?! And who are the other two All Might?!" I can see him starting to freak out so I tell him,

"Don't worry we are only taking you there so that you can beat him up. Oh that's Eraserhead and that's Detective Tsukauchi driving." I can see him let out a sigh of relief and a wicked grin spread across his face.

"I cant wait." Dabi said and the rest of the way there we were sat in complete silence, going over the plan every now and then.

As we arrive at the Todoroki household Tsukauchi asks us a question we had been going through over and over again in our heads the entire car ride, "Are you ready,"

"You already know I'm in." Dabi states.

"Let's get this over with." Aizawa says in his usual monotone voice.

"And you All Might?"


A/N Hi thank you for reading part ten of my first story. Is All Might ready to face Endeavour? How will the siblings react when they meet again? I am sorry for this chapter, I had slight writers block and am really tired so I will try to make the next one better. Please vote and comment, it always makes me smile when I get to go through my notifications and I see new comments or someone has voted on my work, so thank you. Love you all <3

Words used 1074

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