Chapter 3

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POV ~ Caterpillar God (Aizawa)

I could hear All Might getting closer thanks to his overly loud foot steps and booming voice asking if I was here yet, ugh sometimes I swear he's louder then Mic, "All Might over here, and will you be quite this is top secret information we can't let our location be leaked." 

After I say this he starts to say something about 'completely understanding him' and 'he will be more careful' Once again if I could internally face palm this is what it would feel like. Sometimes I forget why I put up with these idiotic people. "Okay, whatever. Anyway did you bring the stuff?" Oh lord I sound like this is sort of drug deal.

"The stuff? Oh the muzzle and coffee!" All Might reaches into this small yellow back pack and pulls out a dog muzzle, hands it to me and then pulls two coffees out, hands one of them to me I stare at him with a puzzled look as to why he brought two coffees yet isn't drinking the second one, "Knowing you, I thought it would best to bring two in case,"  I downed the first coffee, " you down the first coffee. Just like that here you go and remember this is the last one so savour it."

"Your not my mom," I said to him in the best teenager voice I could, " And thanks I've not been able to get a decent coffee anywhere for some reason, " suddenly All Might gives me a mischievous look and as fast as it came, it was gone. " *sigh*What have you put in it?"

"Oh nothing just an extra shot of caffeine...Maybe two...Or three...Or seven, I can't remember how many I lost count after five. " Once again. Internal. Face. Palm.

"So what your saying is I'm going to be hyper and energetic for an indefinite period of time?" All Might slowly nods and gives me a sheepish grin. All say is,"Okay" before i down the second one. I don't care what I'll be like for the next few hours it was all worth it to see the look of pure confusion on All Might's face. After a minute or two, I could feel the caffeine kicking in and a few seconds later All Might snapped out of his confusion and began to speak.

"Erm so anyway, Aizawa,do you have a.. um ..plan of action? I got as much information from Tsukauchi as I could on the league. OK so first we have Himiko Toga," He hands me eleven folders each with a different name on it, at the top of the pile was Toga, " Her quirk is called transform it allows her to turn into a person after drinking their blood, Age : sixteen, as you can see this is a photo of her that a very skilled photographer managed to get while she made her escape. Miraculously she has never been caught and the number of deaths is unknown. She aspires to be like the hero killer : Stain, you've heard of him, right?" I nod my head "Anyway she joined the league after Stain and Shigaraki were spotted together so we have assumed they have formed some sort of alliance. We are not entirely sure how but this information was leaked to the public and every villain from small time thugs to mass murderers have been eager to join the LOV. "

(A/N I cannot be bothered to go through all of the villains and I'm pretty sure you don't want want me to write this entire chapter on it either. The folders that Caterpillar God (Aizawa) received were on : Himiko Toga, Dabi, Mr Compress, Spinner, Twice, Muscular, Mustard, Magne, Moonfish, Kurogiri and Shigaraki.)

"Interesting so we have nothing on Dabi, Shigaraki and Kurogiri other then a rough idea of their quirks" So Dabi has a fire quirk Shigaraki has a quirk that can either fast forward things or disintegrate them and Kurogiri has a teleportation quirk which is most likely there first escape route. Okay we have two options, charge in now and have a surprise attack when we have no idea who's in there if anyone is in there. Suddenly a light turned on in a old bar nearby. Okay that confirms someone is in their the only problem is the possibility of it being a civilian. Or we can wait, gather more information on them and plan a specific attack the problems their being if there is a mole who tells the LOV about our plans and they can prepare to leave or counter our attacks. Ugh I'm so high on caffeine right now I can't think straight so I will leave the decision to All Might. "Okay we now have two options, charge in now and have a surprise attack or we can wait and attack at a later date when we have more resources and heroes." I could see the gears in All Might's head turning which indicates that he is thinking this through and most likely going over the pros and cons I just thought of. Ugh next time I need to ensure All might only does three shots of caffeine in each coffee, but that reaction was priceless I'm so showing Mic the recording and pictures later. 

"Hmm I say if we wait then there is a greater chance of something going wrong so perhaps we should strike now. Any Ideas on the actual plan though. I know I look like the kind of hero to just barge in unprepared and somehow win but in reality if I don't have some sort of plan or objective then I have no hope of winning." Well I have clearly miss interpreted this man I can not believe that All Might is some what a strategic hero.

"Well you just admitted to be some sort of strategic hero so why don't you tell me what your thinking." I couldn't come up with a plan since the caffeine was pumping through my system so I cannot think things out logically like usual.

"If you insist. Well, you are clearly better at stealth attacks so if we were to attack now no - one would suspect we were coming also if  I charge in acting as if I'm alone you can hide in the shadows and take out Kurogiri, mustard and muscular ; I feel like they pose the most threat to this missions success. I will take out Dabi, Shigaraki, Moonfish and Mr Compress. Then we will slowly eliminate the rest in the order we see fit I will take on Toga and Twice while you deal with Spinner and Magne. Sound good?" Wow that far exceeded my expectations of him but last time I praised him, I got restrained and accused of being a villain so instead I'll say,

"Hm, Yea I guess that could work but how do you propose we sneak in find them when we don't have the blueprints?" Dang it All Might you almost had a good plan.

"Blue prints? Oh yea Tsukauchi's sending them to me now I have a earpiece in that allows him to see everything I do and also hear us, said something about you suggesting it?" Almost forgot about that.

"Yes I thought it would be a good idea if he stayed connected with us in case we needed backup"

"Ahh I see are you ready to go?" I start to mentally prepare myself and nod.

"On the count of three we go." I take in a shakey breath and start counting,"1."

"2" All Might rudely interrupted.


(A/N Hi this is the third part of my first story. Sorry about the cliffhanger I thought it would be a good way to end it. I kinda rushed this chapter because I forgot to write the beginning and I'm hoping to have a chapter out daily. If you would like a shout out in the next chapter then say which nickname is your favourite 

All Might - 50/50 Buff Man

Aizawa - Caterpillar God

Tsukauchi - Portable Lie detector

Midnight - Whip Bish

Izu - Broccoli Boi

Bakugo - Boom Boom Boi

Todoroki - Icy-hot Daddy issues

Name credit goes to Pantone_518
Thank you for reading this chapter I hope you enjoyed have a great day/ night. Love you all <3)

(Words used 1388)

The Final Straw (Dadzawa/Dadmight)Where stories live. Discover now