Chapter 4

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POV 50/50 Buff Man

"On the count of three we go." I could hear Aizawa saying in a shaky breath.As I slowly managed to even my breathing started to turn into my muscle form,"1."

"2." I said a millisecond after Aizawa, which he did not seem happy about so I stopped counting.

After what seemed like an eternity Aizawa finally said, "3!" I charged in using a 20% Detroit Smash to destroy the door and knock out anyone who was in the doorway, thankfully Kurogiri was right in front of the door since he was about to check out what the noise was so he was immediately unconcious from the moment the fight began meaning one escape route has been put out of commission and one out of he six villains I am attacking have been knocked out, so I have an early lead on Aizawa five more to go. I decide to put a set of quirk cancelling hand cuffs on him and also tie his legs together so that he cant escape. After I was satisfied Kurogiri is secure, I start walking around the building until I found Moonfish, he started to use basic attacks against me and I deflected the smaller slower blades with ease while the larger, faster ones I was forced to dodge, and started to walk closer to him eventually I got so close I could see the fear in his eyes, because he wasn't wearing his usual villain outfit, in a last attempt to win he sent out ten extremely strong blades but due to the strain on his quirk he passes out and the blades snap. Few I don't think I would've been able to dodge all of those blades and just one of them could've cause a potentially fatal bleed, what luck. Once again I put a set of quirk cancelling cuffs on him and tie his legs together. 

The fight between Toga, Twice and I was fairly easy since there teamwork was slightly off after there game of cards,  twice was clearly winning, and the small fact they wasn't expecting me, since they don't actually have a security system in place in case of intruders which I thought was rather strange, really assisted me as I walk over to twice, who was clearly a severe case of dissociative identity disorder (DID) also known as multiple personality disorder, and hit the back of his neck which ultimately made him unconscious. I thought it would be better if I dealt with toga before I tied him up. Once again I was slowly walking over to her but this time I could tell she was going to put up a fight. She swung first aiming her knife for my stomach I dodged this easily but then she threw something at me in mid air, some sort of blood sucking machine? I managed to catch it before it hit me but as expected she tried to stab my stomach once again, as the knife was nearing me I caught her wrist and threw her to the ground a bit harder then I meant to. I could hear one of her bones break and I could only hope it was a rib other wise recovery girl was going to kill me herself. I could see she was now unconscious so I tied the both up and put another set of quirk cancelling cuffs on them and just as I was activating togas - who I tied up last, a huge wall of blue flames scorched my back and I turned around to see a (A/N *cough* burned chicken nugget *cough*) dangerous villain who goes by Dabi. "Ah Dabi I greatly apreciate you coming to me because it saves me a great amount of time. Now if you will come with me calmly and..." 

"Tch, as if I'd go with some popularity crazed hero like you. The only way I would possibly come with you is with my head detached from my body and my blood smeared across the walls." Well he certainly is gruesome but I say he's the perfect punching bag, now how can I get closer to him... suddenly he started to charge and him and now he got closer I could see a resemblance of Enji's (Endeavour) first child,

"Touya Todoroki?" Dabi suddenly stopped a new rage forming in his eyes.

"Don't you ever call me by that b*stards name I am Dabi now I hope I never have to see that brute whom I was forced to call 'father' ever again. " I could see tears forming in his eyes, old memories that he had fought so hard to forget resurfacing, dang it I didn't mean to say Touya's name out loud but now I have a new advantage on my side, his mental instability.

"My boy," I used the name I always used to call him when I went round to the Todoroki house hold, " I know what you've been through, I know this because it's happening to your younger brother Shoto as we speak most likely, if you come peacefully then I will assist I his safe rescue, I will ensure goes to a loving family and becomes the hero he wants to be. " I made sure to put an emphasis on he so that he knows that this is hisdream and no one else's.

"The Todoroki family are strangers to me, always have been always will be. Why should I care for people who have never cared for me. Oh and stop calling me 'My Boy, I'm not the Touya you knew, that one burned up along time ago" Wow wherever happened to this child clearly cannot be healed with a few words, I guess I'm just gonna have to have a sparing lesson with him, that has never failed to solve any of my problems thus far, well apart from the next inheritor of one for all but this Mirio Togata seems to be the number one choice according to Nezu.

"*Sigh*  I didn't want it to come to come to this, my boy. Surrender now or I will have no choice but to fight you." At these words a wicked grin spread across Dabi's face, if I'm being honest it terrified me. The last fight I had where someone showed me a smile like that was with All for one and I still have nightmares about it. I had an overwhelming urge to take a step backwards but i know I can't show fear in a battle against someone I consider weaker then me. Ugh what are you saying All Might, remember Nana's training 'treat everyone as an equal; whether on the streets or in battle never underestimate or overestimate anyone, and always do everything with a smile'. Thank you master Shimoura, I swear I will never let your lessons be forgotten.

"Well then. Who's going to strike first?" And with that our fight began

(A/N Hi,this is the fourth part of my first story Shout out to @Mae-chan13 thank you for commenting and again please don't hesitate to comment your opinions I always love reading them  Thank you for sticking with me through this story I will try to get Caterpillar God's POV up asap (so hopefully sometime tomorrow). I hope you all have a great day/night, hope to see you in the next chapter Love you all <3

P.s Please let me know your opinions on Dadmight being a father figure to Dabi because personally I think that would be a good twist. Also what would happen would Dabi get one for all, Will he change his villainous ways, Will All Might adopt him instead of him going to prison?

Words used 1294

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