Chapter 34

794 17 51

POV ~ Adorable Pikachu 💛

When Aizawa and, I think his name was, Deku came back I asked, "Where did the small dude go?"

"'The small dude' was called Mineta and he has been expelled. He may be returning later in the year, he is now undergoing... Therapy to make sure he doesnt.. disturb girls again." There was silence for a few seconds until. "Girls I can see you are holding in celebrations so do it now whilst I take a nap." Our teacher wrapped himself in a yellow sleeping bag and fell onto the floor with a loud thump. Numerous cheers could be heard throughout the class from the girls and a few boys, the shy people like Shoji and Ojiro occupied themselves with books, Bakugo and Kirishima were casually talking about training toghether this weekend.

I was about to ask if I could join them but then a smaller thump could be heard behind me, a tiny, green sleeping bag was facing away from us and we were all confused until they turned around to reveal an adorable green haired boy sleeping peacefully. Todoroki walked over to him and then leaned him against his scared side, "He looks cold..."

"Get of Deku Icy-Hot I'm sure he's fine!"

I can hear Todoroki whisper a small, "Jealous much," before saying to Bakugo, "Maybe if you used your eyes tou would notice the windows are open and his lips are blue. Not to mention the fact he is shivering and I dont think it would be good if he got a cold."

"Tch whatever, I'm gonna go do some training..." Bakugo starts walking out before saying, "Hurry up Sh*tty Hair!"

"Sorry Bakubro! Hey Mina wanna train with us?"

"Sure!" A pink haired girl with pink skin said, her last name was Ashido I think.

"Hey, can I join you?" I ask them.

"Of course, bro!"

"Thanks dude!"

Once we finally got to the training area Bakugo finally noticed me Mina and sero, who we ran into after he went to the lavatory (am I the only one who can imagine Kami saying really fancy words and not knowing the meaning to any of them.) "What are you damn Extras doing here?!" Oh no, he's scarier then I thought.

"Calm down Bakubro I invited them here so we can train as a group!"

"Tch, whatever. Dont expect to beat me in a fight though... One day I will become the number one hero." Wow hes so determined... I wonder why...

"That's the spirit! I'm sure you can do it Bakugo! Why do you want to be number one so bad?" He sent daggers flying in Mina's direction, who was doing squats. I swiftly turn away.

"Its none of your damn business, clear?!"

"Sorry Bakugo and also, Pikachu."

"Y-yes?" Please dont say she saw me looking at her. Please dont tell me she got the wrong idea. (No he was not checking her out he was just curious as to what she was doing)

"Why did you turn away from me when I was talking, is something wrong?"

"N-no it's just that I'm pretty sure Mineta got expelled for... ya know... looking at the girls and I didn't want you to think I was being weird since... erm... Arnt we here to do some training!?" I say trying to change the subject.

"What were you about to say, dunce face?"

"Awe c'mon Bakugo, he clearly doesn't want to talk about it and he's right. We are here to train!"

"Whatever, Extras."

"Are we allowed to be here? We are supposed to be in Aizawa's class now, right."

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