Chapter 39

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POV ~ Broccoli Boi 🥦

When me and 1-A walk into the USJ the first thing I think is. Wow. This was large on the outside, sure but I had no idea it was this big! I start looking around and I see some one in a, space suit? Oh this is the pro hero 13. I start saying some random facts about them and so does Uraraka. Although I think she was... fangirling? Her eyes start to shine and I can see how much admiration she holds for the hero, we continue analysing the hero but a after what felt like a minute they stopped us and explained how their quirk could be  extremely dangerous and how ours could be to so today they are training us in the art of rescuing. A cool breeze blew through the air sending a chill down our spines, Dadzawa and thirteen got into a fighting stance. "What's going on?" Uraraka asks.

"Wait, do we get fake villains?! How manly!" Wait, Villains?! Th-that looks like one of his quirks it cant be... right?

"Shut up, sh*tty hair! I'm fairly sure these are real villains so dont use your quirk until you need to, clear?!" Phew, I'm sure Bakugo and the heros can keep everyone safe... I dont want to... I don't want to hurt anyone...

"Got it!" Kiri replied

"R-real v-v-villains? D-do y-you th-think h-he will b-be here?" I asked Dadzawa. I can see he is thinking about it, but I already know what the answer will be. I don't want to hear it, but I need to

"I dont know... But whatever happens, none if you freeze up. Me and thirteen will do the fighting but be prepared!"

A hand, that looked all to familiar, climbed through the grey slop and the crustiest man to walk the earth was forced through. "Hello there, Eraserhead. I believe you have something of mine. Come here, project,"Dadzawa leapt to cover my ears before Tenko-... I mean Shigaraki finished the sentence but his words were already entering my brain and before I knew what was going on he said the final trigger word, "12080."  Energy radiated from my body and trying to stay in control hurt so much it was hard to bare.

~In Izu's head~

I was surrounded in darkness, knowing  this place all to well, it was cold, dark and miserable. "Why don't you let me out?~ Its not like anyone wants you.  They all lied to you" Memories flooded back to me, the most vivid of them being the last time Ka- Bakugo and his family spoke to me.
(Izuku, Mystery, Past/memory)

"Get out!"

"No-one will ever love you."


"Tch drop the act Villain."

"Who could ever love you?"

"P-please s-stop..."

"Now we know you, your tricks won't work on us."

"Your weak."

"and I believe I already told you to get Lost!!!"

"And pathetic!"

"I-I'm weak?"


"I- n-no one w-wants me..."


"B-but 1-A is n-nice to m-me..."

"Are they? Or are they scared of your 'dad'? Do your jew 'family'even love you? Are they using you for more power?"

"I... I dont know."

"Well then~ Why don't I give them a quick test then?"


"What was that?!"

"I-" I take a large breath in and then scream at him, "No!"

"Your gonna regret that."

He walks towards me and more thoughts were placed into my head. "You'll never be good enough." "You were better of with the villains" "Take a swan dive of the roof of the building." "I would be better dead." "And pray your born with a quirk in your next life." (The mystery person is OP and can go through Izukus mind and this is one of Izu's worst nightmares so they are using it against him) Everything begins to catch up with me. All the lies. All the 'training'. The only people who have been honest are Bakugo and Tenko... A wave of emotion takes over and I no longer control myself...

~In the USJ~

Finally. I have a body again, it has been far to long... Now then my soul mission is to completely break this boy from the inside so if I were to kill one of his friends then~~

An annoying brunette starts screaming at me yelling that useless waste of spaces name, "Izuku!" I look towards her with the most hatred I can conjure then I allow my eyes to scan over the class before finding the one thing that could either make Izuku's day, week, life or he could break everything. The one and only Katsuki Bakugo.

"Everyone get away from him!" The hobo yelled to the class Shiggy was one of the only villains to make it today but thanks to this boy I have an entire army at my disposal.

"Aww come on, 'Dadzawa.~' what's wrong?" I never can understand why he is called Dadzawa. Nevermind that, I charged straight towards the heros in training and everyone is frozen in place, perfect. I almost got to Bakugo when the stupid Brunette from earlier stepped right in front of me, doent she understand how dangerous I am right now?


A bright red mark appeared across my face. Tears stung my eyes, ouch. I had no idea these people actually hated him but putting her bravery aside who does this ******* ***** think she is?! My cheek went numb since I have not felt pain in an awful long time. This girl gave me a shock that merged all negative emotions from sadness to anger. And somehow this mere girl had scared me.

"What are you doing?! I thought... I thought we were your friends? D-do we mean nothing to you." W-wait, she cares for this kid? No one's ever cared for me... why do... why doesn't this kid deserve to be happy?

I slowly start to loose control and end up being wrapped up in my own thoughts  "P-please.. R-run.." A blood curdling screen ran through the building. I give Izuku back control but both of us are weakened during the process.

"Stop resisting, you brat! Kill them! That's sure to get All Might's attention." Oh no... They are coming... What do I do? What do I do? I once again possess Izuku. There is no way I am ever going to be on the losing team...

A/N thank you for reading the thirty eighth chapter of my first story, I hope you enjoyed! Sorry it took so long to cone out, I was unmotivated and really tired so i cant promise to update regularly. If there is anything you want to happen then please let me know!  And if there are any errors please let me know. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask, I think that last section is confusing since I rushed it. I hope to see you in the comments, love you <3

Words used 1182

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