-TWENTY-EIGHT. Family fight

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『Family fight』

❝I don't want to see you ever again.❞

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    "WELCOME HOME, KAI-CHAN!" Akemi Ashido smiled at her oldest soon with a warm smile, guiding him towards the living room.

    "...What are you doing here?" Kaito quietly asked, getting out of his mother's hold. The woman frowned at his action.

    "We're here to visit you, of course!"

She opened the living room's door to reveal his father and his siblings, who seemed to be talking about sports.

    "Come and sit down, sweetheart, your father and I have something to discuss with you." She said, gesturing him to sit in front of his father.

Kaito sat down, watching as his parents told Kouske, Tamaki and Umi to go to their rooms. He had so many questions to ask, and he was going to make sure that they answered all of them.

    "So," Kenji Ashido, Kaito's dad, started, "Congratulations on passing the Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology's entrance exam! I knew you could do it. After all, you're my son."

    "We're happy that you've finally decided take the exam. We know it's always been a dream of yours!" His mother smiled.

Kaito glared at them, "You know that I've never wanted to go there. It's you who want me to go. I don't want to become a scientist or a doctor, I want to become a volleyball player, so going there isn't necessary for me."

Hearing that, his parents facade was broken, "There you go again saying such things! We told you to quit that stupid sport a long time ago! And what have you done? Continue playing it, along with skating!" His mother frustratedly yelled.

    "I'm not going to stop doing something I like! If I want to skate, then I'll skate! And if I want to play volleyball, then I'll play!" Kaito yelled back.

    "Don't yell at your mother, young man!" Kenji slapped his son, making him quiet, "You're going to quit skating and volleyball, and that's final!"

    "...Did you just come here to say this?" Kaito quietly asked, rubbing the spot that was slapped, "After all this months, and you've only come to yell at me. What about your other children?! THE ONES YOU LEFT BECAUSE YOU WERE BUSY?!"

    "You know that we're doctors, it's only normal to not be able to take care of our sons and daughter!" Akemi yelled, "We're just doing the best for all of you!"

Kaito stood there for a second, processing his mother's words, "You're the ones who made me take that exam without me knowing, weren't you?" He asked in a low voice.

    "It was necessary! If you continue here, focusing on your stupid little games and your friend Reki, you're not going to be able to find a good job! Those are only distractions, and we're trying to help you get rid of them! Why can't you understand?!" His mother cried out, hugging her husband for comfort.

    "Don't you dare bring Reki into this." Kaito glared at his mother, who stared at him wide eyed, "You're the one who doesn't understand! You can't just come here after months of not even talking to us and make this big decision for me! If I wanted to study abroad, I would have already done that!"

    "YOU UNGRATEFUL LITT-" His father approached him, "If you take one more step I'm going to call CPS for neglect and attempted violence." Kaito warned, effectively making the older man halt in his movements.

    "Our conversation is over. I won't go to whatever school you want me to go, stop playing volleyball or stop skating." Kaito left the room, heading towards his and starting packing his 'S' outfit.

He took his bag and skate and went downstairs, ignoring his parents who were staring at him with angry faces, "I'm leaving. I won't be back until tomorrow." He said before leaving the house.

    "YOU CAN'T JUST—" His mother started, but he couldn't hear the rest as he had closed the door.

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—Today 21:04—


Can we hang out right
now? At the skate park.


sure, i'll be there in ten

Kaito turned off his phone, focusing on the green haired male, "Thank you for letting me eat here, Nanjo-san. I'll make sure to pay you back." He bowed.

Joe dismissed his actions, "You don't have to pay me back, Kaito. After all, who would do that to their non-biological younger brother?" He ruffled Kaito's hair.

    "...Is it really okay?"

    "Yeah, don't ya worry."

An awkward silence enveloped them as the only sounds heard where of the people left in the restaurant, "Kaito." Joe suddenly called.


    "Are you okay? Something happened with you friends, right?" Joe asked quietly, "You've had this sad face ever since you applied to the tournament. And now you seem even worse."

    "I'm fi—" Kaito paused, "I'm not fine... Nanjo-san, Reki and I aren't friends anymore, and my parents want me to go study abroad along with stoping playing volleyball and skating... What do I do?" Kaito burried his face in his hands, "Maybe I should just do what they want..."

Joe stared at Kaito with wide eyes. The white haired male was one of the kindest people he had ever met. Why did he have to go through all of that?

    "About Reki, just give him a few days. I'm sure he didn't mean whatever he told you. And you should follow your dreams. Don't you want to play volleyball when you grow up? Then do that. Don't let those assholes you have as parents tell you what to do. If they continue like that, I'll visit them personally and give them a little warning."

Kaito chuckled, "Thank you, Nanjo-san"

    "Anyone would do that for their beloved brother, don't sweat it."

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joe and kaito best non-biological brother duo ever 。゚・(>﹏<)・゚。

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